Title: Being the Grownup: Love, Limits, and the Natural Authority of Parenthood
Author: Adelia Moore
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hollow Hill Books
Publish Date: June 10, 2019
Source: TLC Book Tours
What's the Story?:
From Goodreads.com: "Children need adults to
survive. This, despite the profound change our digital era has wrought
on family life, remains the essence of parenthood. Being the Grownup: The Natural Authority of Parenthood
begins not with what should be, but with what is: If you are a parent,
it is your job to provide shelter and safety, to make decisions about
education, childcare, health and nourishment, to create the habitat that
is the context and crucible of family life. Being the Grownup helps parents translate their
determination to care for and protect their children into the clarity
they need to communicate authority with a firm confidence, whether for
bedtime, screen-time or mealtime. Just as she would in a clinical
conversation, the author shifts the focus away from disciplinary
strategies and back to the core of parenthood, the relationship between
parents and children as it evolves, moment-to-moment, from the
dependence of infancy to the autonomy of young adulthood."
My Two Cents:
"Being the Grownup" is a non-fiction book based on the premise that parents have natural authority when they become parents, that is they are in charge because they are parents. This is a premise that I've definitely practiced with my own kids: I am the parent, I am here to protect you and this is why you must follow what I say. Even if I believe in this firmly, a little confidence boost is always more than welcome. The author seeks to give parents that confidence boost to stand firm even with times are tough.
The book consists of nuggets of wisdom as well as real life examples to help readers understand how to implement the lessons of the book. While the author acknowledges that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for some problems that you may confront as a parent. This book is more geared to give you tactics to deal with situations that you face in your own home.
The writing of this book is good. Some of it feels quite academic and may require some additional rumination. I found the way that the examples were written to be particularly good. It made it very easy to imagine how I would apply the tactics discussed in the book to the examples, great practice if you will.
Overall, this is a good parenting reference that I know will be helpful to refer back to.
I agree, I think the examples she used to describe an experience are things we've all seen so it's easier to know when to apply that tactic. I really enjoyed this one as well. Thank you for being on this tour! Sara @ TLC Book Tours