Monday, September 12, 2011

BBAW: Community

I've been at this book blogging thing for about 6 months now. Before I did any book blogging myself, I read a lot of book blogs. There's way too many book bloggers for me to name that have had an impact on the way I read and the way that I blog. I could be here all day. There are definitely some stand outs though:

Elle Lit: She reads a lot of the same sort of books as me. Her site is adorable and her reviews are always very good.

Passages to the Past: I'll read just about anything that I can get my hands on but historical fiction definitely has a special place in my heart. Amy's blog is one of my very favorite historical fiction blogs. I've also gotten a chance to read some great things through the book blog tour thing she also runs.

No Page Left Behind: This is another blogger that I share similar taste with. I've gotten a lot of good recommendations from her. She's been incredibly supportive of my blog!

Just One Page At A Time: She has also been really supportive of my blog and she's yet another person that I share similar tastes with.

Book blogging has really opened me up to new people and to new books. It's been so cool!

What has book blogging done for you?


  1. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the shoutout! I'm a follower of some of the blogs you've mentioned and I'll definitely have to check out the others.

    Love the book blogging community :)

  2. Two I've read and two I haven't! I love meeting new bloggers, so thanks for the suggestions. My list of influential bloggers, if you are interested!

  3. Hey you are doing GREAT for only blogging for 6 months!

    It's events like this that really make me realize how big the book blogging world is...all of your shout outs were new to me and I loved them all...and yours!

    Nice Divergent review...and you read the Hunger Games in a week?? OOOOO I can't wait until I have time to read that!!

  4. @Kat @ NoPageLeftBehind
    A Bookish Affair and No Page Left Behind are two of my very favorite book blogs. :) Thanks for the other links as well!

  5. I'm not familiar with these blogs but will check them out.

  6. Most of the blogs you mention are new to me-I will enjoying checking them out

    Hi, I am stopping by to visit your blog via the list of posts for Day one

    Please Stop by My Blog if you Like

  7. I haven't heard of anyone on your list -- terrible! I must remedy that. Thanks for highlighting them. One of my favorite parts of the week is meeting so many new-to-me bloggers. I hope you're having a wonderful BBAW!

  8. @Laura @ The Shabby Rabbit Thank you and once I started the Hunger Games trilogy, I just couldn't stop. I'm kind of glad that I started the books after all three had come out!

  9. @Anonymous Thank you, anonymous! I wish you weren't anonymous so I could thank you personally!

  10. @Erin This is the first time participating in BBAW for me but after one day, meeting new bloggers is definitely my favorite thing :)


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As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.

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