
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Review: Shooting For the Stars: My Journey to Become Ireland's First Astronaut by Norah Patten

Title: Shooting For the Stars: My Journey to Become Ireland's First Astronaut
Author: Norah Patten
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: The O'Brien Press
Publish Date: September 16, 2019
Source: PR

What's the Story?:

From "In 2017 Dr. Norah Patten, from Ballina in Co. Mayo, was one of 12 participants from around the world selected to take part in a unique scientist-astronaut training programme, Project Possum. She is now on course to become Ireland’s first astronaut!

Follow Norah as she brings you on a journey high above the earth and into space. You will learn about space travel, astronaut training and life without gravity. Norah will answer those all-important questions such as how long does it take to become an astronaut and where exactly astronauts go to the toilet?!

Did you know that our sun is a star, just like all the stars we see at night?
Did you know that, in space, the astronauts have to use special ropes to hold themselves down while running on the treadmill?
A fun and engaging book about space and becoming an astronaut but most importantly a book about following your dreams no matter how big!"

My Two Cents:

"Shooting for the Stars" is a fantastic book by Dr. Norah Patten who has a chance of becoming Ireland's first astronaut. My daughters are very space obsessed right now. We love watching the live feeds from the International Space Station and one of my daughters was Buzz Aldrin for Halloween. We love looking at the night sky and my girls have said that they want to go to space someday together (twin astronauts FTW!). When your kids have cool interests like this, you jump in head first! This book was perfect for continuing to stoke those fires in my daughters!

Norah Patten has always dreamed about going to space. She has made a fascinating career out of being a scientist and now has a chance to take the next step. My girls were super interested in her and her story made for a good entry into talking about what my girls dream of doing some day.

The book also has a lot of good information about general space travel and what life on the International Space Station is like. The book explores a lot of the work that astronauts do and what their lives are like in zero G! I also really liked that the book had such great illustrations, which allowed my girls to picture what the book was talking about even though they are younger than the age that the book is geared for. This was a great book that I know we are going to keep going back to over and over again!



  1. i love that your daughter was buzz aldrin. i wonder what the future holds in store for her. she sounds very adventurous
    sherry @ fundinmental

  2. Thanks for the review. New book for me.


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