
Monday, May 20, 2019

A House Update

I have stayed pretty quiet regarding our house situation here. When our neighbors' tree fell on our house 11 months ago, there was no way that I thought we would still be out of our house at this point. It has been an incredibly frustrating and trying 11 months trying to get back home, which is why I am so happy to say that we are finally moving home this week! I am so excited. I hate everything about the moving process but I am so ready to be home!

What this means for A Bookish Affair: my appearance here has already been a little spottier than I like it. It will probably be quite a bit more spotty over the next week or so. I'm so looking forward to having everything go back to normal.

life is tough

1 comment:

  1. Oh geez, I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm a creature of habit so any change like this would send me for a loop :( Hope all goes well.


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