
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Review: What Could Go Wrong?: My Mostly Comedic Journey Through Marriage, Parenting and Depression by Brett Grayson

Title: What Could Go Wrong?: My Mostly Comedic Journey Through Marriage, Parenting and Depression
Author: Brett Grayson
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Panman Press
Publish Date: January 15, 2019 (Yesterday!)
Source: PR

What's the Story?:

From "There comes a time when couples decide to create and raise tiny helpless human beings, hoping they one day become non-tiny and less helpless.

This is one family’s journey through ten months of pregnancy (isn’t it supposed to be nine months?), the first years of parental cluelessness, the terrible twos, threenagers, and the few years that follow when they begin to learn about a world that’s even crazier than they are.

Join the author and his wife as they navigate those ten months, from the always romantic conception, to her water breaking in the most unique way possible. Then watch them attempt parenthood, from the seemingly simple routine of dressing their kids for school, to the complex experience of teaching them to use public bathrooms.

It’s mostly a breeze…

No it isn’t. Pre and postnatal complications; battles with their own mental health; and those rapidly growing and irrational miniature versions of themselves. Some of it is devastating. Much of it is overwhelming. All of it challenges them to maintain their sense of humor.

And when they attempted to go on an airplane as a family... that was a sh*tshow."

My Two Cents:

"What Could Go Wrong?" is a funny memoir about a couple just trying to survive parenthood. Since becoming a parent, anytime anyone asks if I have any advice for new parents, I always say to just have a sense of humor about things. Parenting is difficult, fun, uplifting, heartbreaking, hilarious. The author touches on all of these throughout the book. This is a memoir that fellow parents will find a lot to love about.

Grayson covers a lot of ground in this book. He covers both the highs and the lows of parenting. What I really appreciated about this book is how real he was. Parenting can be amazing and it can be terribly humbling, sometimes at the same time. He covers how difficult it can be to take care of your partner through all of the difficulties that parenting can be. Both Grayson and his wife go through some mental health difficulties throughout the book, which I really appreciated him talking about.

This book made me laugh at some points and it made me nod my head in solidarity as Grayson hits some of the fundamental truths of parenting. I recommend this to other parents!



  1. I like memoirs that have comic aspects and deeper aspects of going through problems so I think this book sounds good.

  2. Good for the comic bits. You do need a sense of humor to balance it out!


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