Title: The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy
Author: Masha Gessen
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Riverhead Books
Publish Date: April 7, 2015
Source: Library
What's the Story?:
From Goodreads.com: "The facts of the
tragedy are established: On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs fashioned
from pressure cookers exploded near the finish line of the Boston
Marathon, killing three people and wounding 264 others. The elder of the
brothers suspected of committing this atrocity, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, died
in the ensuing manhunt; Dzhokhar will stand trial in January 2015. What
we don’t know is why. How did such a nightmare come to pass?
is a probing and powerful story of dislocation, and the longing for
clarity and identity that can reach the point of combustion. Bestselling
Russian-American author Masha Gessen is uniquely endowed with the
background, access, and talent to tell it. She explains who the brothers
were and how they came to do what they appear to have done. From their
displaced beginnings, as descendants of ethnic Chechens deported to
Central Asia in the Stalin era, Gessen follows them as they are
displaced again, from strife-ridden Kyrgyzstan to war-torn Dagestan, and
then, as émigrés to the United States, into an utterly disorienting new
world. Most crucially, she reconstructs the struggle between
assimilation and alienation that ensued for each of the brothers,
fueling their apparent metamorphosis into a new breed of homegrown
terrorist, with their feet on American soil but their loyalties
elsewhere—a split in identity that seems to have incubated a deadly
sense of mission."
My Two Cents:
"The Brothers" is a
nonfiction book about the Tsarnaev brothers who committed the Boston
Marathon bombings in 2013. This book explores the story of their family
and where they came from and what may have driven each of them to do
what they did on that tragic day. It is an interesting story of
terrorism with both foreign and domestic influence.
This book
also happens to be one of my favorite nonfiction authors, Masha Gessen, a
reporter who is known for her focus on Russian related subjects. As
with a lot of other Gessen's books, she does a great job of giving a lot
of different sides to the story so that you're really able to
understand why things happen the way that they happened. She sheds a lot
of light on the situation and looks at all of the complicated angles of
this event.
This book really drew me in. Not only because it's
tragic but because I was so wondering about what would drive people who
came to this country trying to escape terrorism to commit more terrorist
attacks. It was really interesting to see the differences between both
of the brothers. This is a sad account of what led to an American
tragedy that is still on so many of our minds.
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