Title: Pound for Pound: A Story of One Woman's Recovery and the Shelter Dogs Who Loved Her Back to Life
Author: Shannon Kopp
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: William Morrow
Publish Date: October 6, 2015
Source: PR
What's the Story?:
From Goodreads.com: "The brave, inspiring
story of one woman's recovery from a debilitating eating disorder, and
the remarkable shelter dogs who unexpectedly loved her back to life.
dogs don’t judge me or give me a motivational speech. They don’t rush
me to heal or grow. They sit in my lap and lick my face and make me feel
chosen. And sometimes, it hits me hard that I'm doing the exact thing I
say I cannot do. Changing.”
Pound for Pound is an
inspirational tale about one woman’s journey back to herself, and a
heartfelt homage to the four-legged heroes who unexpectedly saved her
For seven years, Shannon Kopp battled the silent, horrific,
and all-too-common disease of bulimia. Then, at twenty-four, she got a
job working at the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA, where in caring
for shelter dogs, she found the inspiration to heal and the courage to
forgive herself. With the help of some extraordinary homeless animals,
Shannon realized that her suffering was the birthplace of something
beautiful. Compassion."
My Two Cents:
"Pound for Pound" is the story of Shannon Kopp, a woman who is suffering from many different things and is looking for a way to turn herself around. Like all true animal lovers know, Kopp realizes just how amazing animals are and how they can help us find and create the best of ourselves. This is a story of recovering and realizing that we all have the power to make things better for not only ourselves but others too.
It is no secret that I'm an animal lover. Not only are animals cute and fuzzy but they bring out the best in people and help us in so many ways. Through this book, I feel like I've found a kindred spirit in Kopp. I was inspired in all that she did to help the dogs in the book as well as all of what they did to help her. Animals are so amazing! I loved how Kopp's passion for the dogs she worked with shines throughout the book. This book is definitely a good pick for anyone who has adopted or worked with animals and has wondered if they were saving the animals or if the animals were actually saving them.
I really appreciated Kopp's honesty throughout the book. She is completely open about all she was facing and the path that got her there. I really felt for her throughout the book. You almost feel as if you are talking to a friend, which really helped me to get into the book. This is a great memoir for animal lovers!
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