
Sunday, March 29, 2015

News and Giveaway Winners: Live from the Living Room Bed

The past few weeks have been filled with a lot of nothing but a lot of waiting. High risk pregnancy is no joke! Because I'm having identical (mo-di) twins, I'm automatically considered high risk. I'm a worrier by nature so I have been super anxious through this whole process. About a month ago, I ended up in the hospital overnight to be monitored for contractions after a doctor's appointment where my cervix appeared to be shortened. I was terrified!

It was the first time that I had been to the hospital since I was a baby and I was nervous. Even though I couldn't feel it, I was indeed contracting when I got to the hospital and ended up getting admitted for monitoring. While there was never any sign that I was going in to labor, I was terrified. I was only about 28 weeks at that point so it was super early! I don't do particularly well with medical stuff when it comes to myself and I was a little worried about my girls (although they are super healthy).

After a night in the hospital, I got put on modified bed rest. What that means is that I basically am supposed to stay in bed all day. If I go somewhere, it has to be somewhere where I can sit down right away when I get there (the infrequent escapes are much appreciated). My dear husband, Phil, moved our guest bed down into the living room so I could at least have a change of scenery, which is really nice. I've made it through a month of bed rest and have about month more to go (the girls will be delivered early because they are identical and there are some complications that come along with that after about 37 weeks or so).

As somebody who likes being busy, this has been the ultimate test in patience for me. Also, the nesting bug has bit me over the past few weeks and there's nothing I can do about it, which is so frustrating! I feel better because it looks like the bed rest is working but it's hard to fill my time when I'm here all of the time. I'm still able to work from home, which has been the most incredible thing to save my sanity. I am lucky in that regard. I've been doing a lot of reading, of course. I've also been doing some volunteer work for the Gaithersburg Book Festival (if you are in the DC/MD/VA area on May 16th or feel like traveling, it is an amazing festival for book lovers).

The only beings that are loving my banishment to bed are my cats. They think it's great that:
  1. We have a bed in our living room that they can have access to at all times.
  2. I'm not supposed to be moving a lot so cuddles are almost always in order.
Here is Totoro taking advantage of my captivity!
 I'm trying to keep my sense of humor about it and I am incredibly grateful that I have made it to 33 weeks with relatively few problems. Although I am frustrated by being on bed rest, I know that it's the best thing I can do for these babies and it seems to be working! I'm hopeful I can hang on for just a few more weeks!

Giveaway Winners:

I also have a few giveaway winners to announce today!

Lady of the Eternal City:

Mistress Firebrand:
Amy C. 


  1. It will be over before you know it. :-)
    Congrats, winners!

  2. Oh, I'm sorry about the mandatory bed rest and the worrying you're going through, but oh, the babies will be there soon!! I do hope you're able to enjoy (as much as you can) the quiet time and that you have no more excitement/scares. Sending love to you all!

  3. Oh my goodness, I had no idea! I'm so sorry. But hopefully it won't be too much longer. I'm so excited for you! And yes, it's awesome that you can still work. Here's to a bit more down time before those babies get here!

  4. Sorry about the bedrest, but grab a pile of books and try to enjoy it. You may not get much time to tackle that pile after a few more weeks!


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As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.