
Saturday, January 24, 2015

France Book Tours: Rodin's Lover by Heather Webb

Title: Rodin's Lover
Author: Heather Webb
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Plume
Publish Date: January 27, 2015
Source: France Book Tours

Why You're Reading This Book:
  • You're a historical fiction fan.
  • You like strong characters.
  • You're interested in art.
What's the Story?:

From "As a woman, aspiring sculptor Camille Claudel has plenty of critics, especially her ultra-traditional mother. But when Auguste Rodin makes Camille his apprentice—and his muse—their passion inspires groundbreaking works. Yet, Camille’s success is overshadowed by her lover’s rising star, and her obsessions cross the line into madness."

My Two Cents:

"Rodin's Lover" is the latest release from Heather Webb, author of "Becoming Josephine." It is a historical fiction take on Camille Claudel, a woman who dreams of being a famous sculptor. Unfortunately for her, she lives during a time where women are not supposed to be artists and her mother is more interested in making a good love match with an appropriate gentleman. Enter Auguste Rodin, the famous sculptor. Camille finds him endlessly intriguing and falls under his spell. It is not easy to be with him though! This is a passionate tale of love and art that I ate up!

I really enjoyed this story. I was excited to read it after having read "Becoming Josephine." Much of what I liked about that story was present in "Rodin's Lover." Webb spins a great story about art and love and the way that they intersect with each other. It is apparent that Webb spent a great deal of time researching to bring Camille and Auguste as well the rest of the characters to life. I also really loved the setting of Paris. Camille's Paris is a quickly evolving world filled with artists and thinkers

The characters really drive this story and they pulled me into the narrative quickly. These are characters that you want to follow because Webb writes them in such a way that you really care about them. Camille especially felt real to me. Before reading this book, I don't think that I knew a single thing about her. She is such a great character, definitely one that is well ahead of her time. I also really liked the love story between Auguste and Camille. It's full of heat, desire, and storminess. I loved reading about how things evolved between them. I did wish there was a little more about Rodin himself in the book. The story really focuses on Camille alone and Camille and Auguste together but not really on Auguste alone.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. My fellow historical fiction fans will find so much to love about this book. I am anxiously awaiting Webb's next release.


There is a tour-wide giveaway for this one! 


Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Monday, January 19
Review + Excerpt + Giveaway at Eclectictales
Tuesday, January 20
Review + Giveaway at Unshelfish
Wednesday, January 21
Review + Interview at Jorie Loves A Story
Review + Giveaway at Indiereadergirl0329
Thursday, January 22
Review + Giveaway at Musings of a Writer and Unabashed Francophile
Friday, January 23
Review + Giveaway at Writing the Renaissance
Saturday, January 24
Review + Giveaway at A Bookish Affair
Sunday, January 25
Review + Giveaway at The Sabbatical Chef
Monday, January 26
Review + Giveaway at Just One More Chapter
Wednesday, January 28
Review + Giveaway at Words And Peace


  1. thanks for your nice review! In case your readers would be interested in reading about the author, connecting with her or buying the book, all the links are conveniently available on the tour page:

  2. Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier

  3. I guess the first one I read left the biggest impression. Lust for Life by Irving Stone. The story of Vincent van Gogh. Thanks

  4. The last one I read was about Madam Tussaid ? It was a fascinating rdqead based on her life as a sculptor.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com


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