
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

HF Virtual Book Tours Review: Enchantress by Maggie Anton

Title: Enchantress
Author: Maggie Anton
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Plume
Publish Date: September 2, 2014
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours

What's the Story?:

From "One of the most powerful practitioners of these mysterious arts is Rav Hisda’s daughter, whose innate awareness allows her to possess the skills men lack. With her husband, Rava--whose arcane knowledge of the secret Torah enables him to create a "man” out of earth and to resurrect another rabbi from death--the two brave an evil sorceress, Ashmedai the Demon King, and even the Angel of Death in their quest to safeguard their people, even while putting their romance at risk. "

My Two Cents:

"Enchantress" is the story of Hisdadukh, a young woman with powers that verge on the magical. It is the 4th century and Hisdadukh's world is filled with magic and mystery. This is the second book in the Rav Hisda's Daughter series but is very much a standalone book (I actually have not had a chance to read the first book in the series myself). Once this book hits its stride, it is a fascinating look at Jewish and Talmudic lore with memorable characters and a greatly detailed setting.

I did end up enjoying this story but it did take me a little while to get there. Admittedly I am not well-versed in Jewish mysticism at all so I found myself looking up a lot of the things that the characters discuss in the book. While I learned a lot, it did take me out of the story a lot. I understand that the line between showing and telling can be quite difficult. However, you can definitely tell just how much time and effort the author put into her research, which historical fiction lovers will definitely appreciate.

As the story went on and I got a little more up to speed on things, I was totally engaged in the love story between Hisdadukh and Rava. Their story together is incredibly interesting and kept me reading. Rava is also a practitioner of mysticism and it was really interesting to see how this magic brings our main characters together.

If you have read my blog at all, you all probably know that I love armchair traveling through books. If I can't actually hop a flight and go somewhere, I love reading books that take place in faraway lands. The world building in this book was good. Again, the research that the author did shines through in showing us what is was like to live in 4th century Babylonia. I definitely enjoyed this aspect!

Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Monday, October 6
Review at Unshelfish
Review at Book Drunkard
Tuesday, October 7
Review at Ageless Pages Reviews
Wednesday, October 8
Review at A Dream Within a Dream
Thursday, October 8
Guest Post at Bookish
Friday, October 9
Guest Post & Giveaway at Passages to the Past
Monday, October 13
Review at Book Lovers Paradise
Tuesday, October 14
Spotlight at
Spotlight & Giveaway at Words and Peace
Wednesday, October 15
Review at Based on a True Story
Thursday, October 16
Review at Mari Reads
Tuesday, October 21
Review at History From A Woman’s Perspective
Spotlight at CelticLady’s Reviews
Wednesday, October 22
Guest Post at History From A Woman’s Perspective
Thursday, October 23
Spotlight at A Book Geek
Friday, October 24
Review at Beth’s Book Reviews
Interview at Mina’s Bookshelf
Saturday, October 25
Review & Interview at A Cup of Tea & A Big Book
Monday, October 27
Review at TeacherWriter
Tuesday, October 28
Review at My Book Addiction and More
Spotlight at Historical Tapestry
Wednesday, October 29
Review at A Bookish Affair
Thursday, October 30
Review at Book Nerd
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