
Thursday, October 16, 2014

HF Virtual Book Tours: Night of a Thousand Stars by Deanna Raybourn

Title: Night of a Thousand Stars
Author: Deanna Raybourn
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Harlequin Mira
Publish Date: September 30, 2014,
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours

What's the Story?:

From "On the verge of a stilted life as an aristocrat's wife, Poppy Hammond does the only sensible thing—she flees the chapel in her wedding gown. Assisted by the handsome curate who calls himself Sebastian Cantrip, she spirits away to her estranged father's quiet country village, pursued by the family she left in uproar. But when the dust of her broken engagement settles and Sebastian disappears under mysterious circumstances, Poppy discovers there is more to her hero than it seems. 

With only her feisty lady's maid for company, Poppy secures employment and travels incognita—east across the seas, chasing a hunch and the whisper of clues. Danger abounds beneath the canopies of the silken city, and Poppy finds herself in the perilous sights of those who will stop at nothing to recover a fabled ancient treasure. Torn between allegiance to her kindly employer and a dashing, shadowy figure, Poppy will risk it all as she attempts to unravel a much larger plan—one that stretches to the very heart of the British government, and one that could endanger everything, and everyone, that she holds dear. "

My Two Cents:

In "Night of a Thousand Stars," our main character, Poppy, doesn't know what she wants. She wants to be married until it comes to the actual marrying part, which is when she decides to run away from her marriage (by crawling out a church window, of course!) and off on a big adventure where hopefully she will be able to figure out what it is that she really wants out of life. Taking place in the Roaring 1920s (one of my very eras to read about), this book had me hooked from the beginning with a spunky main character and sizzling dialogue.

This is the first book that I have read by Deanna Raybourn and after reading this book, I know that I should really read more by her as I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The way that she created the dialogue between the various characters was awesome. It was very realistic and I could definitely picture all of the characters in my head (always a bonus when reading a book).

I also really liked the characters in the book. Poppy was so much fun. As she's planning her grand escape, she happens to meet the debonair Sebastian, who was definitely a swoon-worthy love interest. I loved reading about Poppy and Sebastian's relationship as it changed and grew throughout the book. They definitely challenged each other, which I really liked. 

And of course, I have to mention the setting. This book finds our characters mainly in Damascus, which I am not sure I've ever read a fictional book about, so this exotic location was a treat! I love armchair traveling!

Overall, this was a great historical pick that I definitely enjoyed!

Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Monday, September 29
Review & Giveaway at Bookish
Tuesday, September 30
Review at Flashlight Commentary
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past
Wednesday, October 1
Interview at Flashlight Commentary
Spotlight at Svetlana’s Reads and Views
Thursday, October 2
Review at Ramblings From This Chick
Friday, October 3
Review at Book Babe
Monday, October 6
Review at Unabridged Chick
Spotlight & Giveaway at Reading Lark
Tuesday, October 7
Review at Candace’s Book Blog
Wednesday, October 8
Review at Good Books and Good Wine
Interview & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick
Thursday, October 9
Excerpt at A Book Geek
Guest Post & Giveaway at Good Books and Good Wine
Monday, October 13
Review at A Chick Who Reads
Tuesday, October 14
Review at Reading the Past
Spotlight at CelticLady’s Reviews
Wednesday, October 15
Review at The Lit Bitch
Review at WTF Are You Reading?
Thursday, October 16
Review at A Bookish Affair
Review at History From a Woman’s Perspective
Friday, October 17
Interview & Giveaway at A Bookish Affair
Monday, October 20
Review at The Life & Times of a Book Addict
Excerpt at Historical Fiction Connection
Tuesday, October 21
Review & Giveaway at Bookshelf Fantasies
Spotlight & Giveaway at Susan Heim on Writing
Wednesday, October 22
Review, Excerpt & Giveaway at Just One More Chapter
Thursday, October 23
Review at Musings of a Bookish Kitty
Friday, October 24
Review at Curling Up By the Fire
Monday, October 27
Review & Giveaway at Let Them Read Books
Tuesday, October 28
Review at To Read or Not to Read
Wednesday, October 29
Review & Giveaway at Bibliophilia, Please
Thursday, October 30
Review & Giveaway at Historical Tapestry
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