
Friday, September 5, 2014

Book Junkie Promotions Review: A Hero for the People: Stories of the Brazilian Backlands by Arthur Powers

Title: A Hero for the People: Stories of the Brazilian Backlands
Author: Arthur Powers
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Press 53
Publish Date: May 3, 2013
Source: Book Junkie Promotions

What's the Story?:

From ""Set in the vast and sometimes violent landscape of contemporary Brazil, this is a gorgeous collection of stories-wise, hopeful, and forgiving, but clear-eyed in its exploration of the toll taken on the human heart by greed, malice, and the lust for land." -Debra Murphy, Publisher of Idyll's Press, Founder of"

My Two Cents:

A Hero for the People" is a collection of short stories by Arthur powers, an American gentleman who spent a lot of time and Brazil, both in Peace Corps and working throughout the country with other organizations. Each of these stories are fictional stories that take place in the wilds of Brazil. These aren't stories about Rio or any of the other big cities throughout Brazil. These are truly stories most definitely off the beaten path!

I know you all probably know that I always like visiting new places through my reading. This book definitely allowed me to do that! I haven't read too much fiction that it is set in Brazil and any of the fiction I've read I feel has been mostly been set within the cities. I really enjoyed died the location of the stories were so foreign to me. I definitely loved learning about these places through the stories.

Overall, the writing of the stories is pretty good I really liked how the author was able to capture so many different personalities and so many different places with in Brazil. The author uses a lot of detail in order to make these places and these people really come to life. One of my favorite stories is a story about gratitude and choices and involves two foxes. That's all I'm going to see you so I don't give anything away. You're just going to have to read this book for yourself!

I really enjoyed this book. I think anyone who enjoys armchair traveling and really getting to know different people will enjoy this book.

 Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Monday, August 11
Spotlight at What Is That Book About
Wednesday, August 13
Review at Onyx Book Château
Friday, August 15
Spotlight at Closed the Cover
Monday, August 18
Review at Book Nerd
Tuesday, August 19
Guest Post at What Is That Book About
Wednesday, August 20
Review at Svetlana’s Reads and Views
Thursday, August 21
Spotlight at Broken Teepee
Wednesday, August 27
Spotlight at Unshelfish
Thursday, August 28
Guest Post at The Bookworm
Monday, September 1
Spotlight at Just One More Chapter
Thursday, September 4
Review at 100 Pages a Day – Stephanie’s Book Reviews
Guest Post at Just One More Chapter
Friday, September 5
Review at A Bookish Affair
Monday, September 8
Review at Mel’s Shelves
Review at Savvy Verse & Wit
Wednesday, September 10
Review & Interview at 80 Acres and a Book
Friday, September 12
Review at A Rose in the City
Wednesday, October 8
Spotlight at Layered Pages
Thursday, October 9
Review at Book Dilettante
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As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.