
Monday, July 28, 2014

Review: Prototype by M.D. Waters

Title: Prototype
Author: M.D. Waters
Format: ARC
Publisher: Dutton
Publish Date: July 24, 2014
Source: I received a copy from the PR; however, this did not affect my review.

What's the Story?:

From Goodreads: "Emma looks forward to the day when she can let go of her past—both of them. After more than a year on the run, with clues to her parents’ whereabouts within her grasp, she may finally find a place to settle down. Start a new life. Maybe even create new memories with a new family.

But the past rises to haunt her and to make sure there’s nowhere on the planet she can hide. Declan Burke wants his wife back, and with a little manipulation and a lot of reward money, he’s got the entire world on his side. Except for the one man she dreads confronting the most: Noah Tucker.

Emma returns to face what she’s done but finds that the past isn’t the problem. It’s the present—and the future it represents. Noah has moved on and another woman is raising their daughter.

In the shocking conclusion to M.D. Waters’s spectacular debut, Emma battles for her life and her freedom, tearing down walls and ripping off masks to reveal the truth. She’s decided to play their game and prove she isn’t the woman they thought she was. Even if it means she winds up dead. Or worse, reborn."

My Two Cents:

Okay, first things first, "Prototype" is a fantastic conclusion to the epic sci-fi story that M.D. Waters started in "Archetype." The book takes place awhile after "Archetype" left off. Emma is on the run. She knows that she needs to try to find her parents. She knows she must stay away from Declan, the husband that married her under false pretenses. The problem is that she isn't sure where to search and she is not sure where she will be safe. She thinks she will be safest with Noah, her first husband that she was torn away, from but their relationship has obviously changed. Filled with a lot of action and fantastic world building, this book thoroughly and utterly engaged me. If you are looking to read a book that packs a punch, this is a great pick!

You really should read the first book in this series or you may not understand "Prototype." It would be best for you to read these books together if possible so that you can see Emma's story all the way through right from the start!

I was so excited for this book after loving "Archetype" so much. One thing I love about sci-fi is when it has really good world-building and this book definitely has it. You can see the turmoil of Emma's world. You fully understand what happened in order to get the world to the point it's at. I loved all of the detail that the author included as it really helped me be fully engaged with the book.

The main character, Emma, continued to be a fantastic character in this book. Emma lives in a world where women can literally be bought. Need a wife? You can have your perfect Stepford beauty made to order, if you'd like. She is a former resistance fighter who still yearns to help change the world, even after all that she has been through. I loved her strength and resilience! She is definitely a character to root for!

The writing of the book continued to be really good. I loved the way that the author kept the book moving at a quick clip. The book definitely has nice pacing and you can almost feel Emma's desperation through the words. Overall, this was a great book and one that I know that I'm going to want to revisit in the future!

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