
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

HF Virtual Book Tours: Mozart's Wife by Juliet Waldron

Title: Mozart's Wife
Author: Juliet Waldron
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Self-published
Publish Date: 2001
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours

What's the Story?:

Synopsis: "She Married the World’s First Superstar.

Mozart’s wife aroused strong feelings among her contemporaries. Her in-laws loathed her. Mozart’s friends, more than forty years after his death, remained eager to gossip about her “failures” as wife to the world’s first superstar. Maturing from child to wife to hard-headed widow, Konstanze paid her husband’s debts, provided for their children, and relentlessly marketed and mythologized Mozart. The composer’s letters attest to his affection for Konstanze as well as to their powerful sexual bond. Still, the question remains: Why did she never mark his grave?"

My Two Cents:

"Mozart's Wife" is the story of Konstanze, who is swept off her feet by the one and only Mozart, the famous composer. There are so many books these days that are entitled something about someone's wife. "Mozart's Wife" is a great case for why these sorts of books are so popular. Through Konstanze's eyes we get to see what Mozart was like as a private person. This was a very interesting historical fiction look at a really fantastic life.

Konstanze is a little naive when she first meets Mozart as he is pursuing her musically talented and very pretty older sister. Having so many girls in the family, Konstanze's family cannot afford to give each sister a dowry so Konstanze worries about who she will be able to marry and what she will be able to offer. Mozart eventually turns his affections towards Konstanze and she is excited for it and falls for him fairly quickly. The book details all of the in's and out's of their relationship.

The writing of the book was pretty good. I really liked how the characters were written. Waldron allows the readers to get oh so close to Mozart, a very intriguing man, and I ate it up. I actually did not know much about Mozart's non-musical life and I really liked seeing that aspect of him. At almost 400 pages, this book is quite long and there were a couple parts that could have stood to be slimmed down but overall, there is fairly nice pacing here. This would be a great fictional introduction to Mozart.

Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Monday, May 5
Interview at Layered Pages
Thursday, May 8
Review at Just One More Chapter (Mozart’s Wife)
Friday, May 9
Spotlight at Closed the Cover (Genesee)
Monday, May 12
Review at Closed the Cover (Genesee)
Spotlight at Tower of Babel
Monday, May 19
Interview at Closed the Cover
Wednesday, May 21
Interview at The Maiden’s Court
Monday, May 26
Review at Book Lovers Paradise (Mozart’s Wife)
Tuesday, May 27
Review at Historical Fiction Obsession (Genesee)
Guest Post at Book Lovers Paradise (w/Kathy Fischer-Brown and Louise Turner)
Monday, June 2
Review at A Chick Who Reads (Nightingale)
Tuesday, June 3
Review at Historical Fiction Obsession (Roan Rose)
Thursday, June 5
Review at Svetlana’s Reads and Views (Mozart’s Wife)
Monday, June 9
Review at So Many Books, So Little Time (Roan Rose)
Tuesday, June 10
Review at Svetlana’s Reads and Views (Nightingale)
Thursday, June 12
Guest Post at Closed the Cover
Monday, June 16
Review at Just One More Chapter (Roan Rose)
Tuesday, June 17
Review at A Chick Who Reads (Mozart’s Wife)
Monday, June 23
Review at Peeking Between the Pages (Mozart’s Wife)
Tuesday, June 24
Review at A Bookish Affair (Mozart’s Wife)
Wednesday, June 25
Review at Layered Pages (Nightingale)
Thursday, June 26
Review at A Chick Who Reads (Roan Rose)
Friday, June 27
Review at Broken Teepee (Mozart’s Wife)
Saturday, June 28
Review at WTF Are You Reading? (Mozart’s Wife)
Monday, June 30
Review at The True Book Addict (Mozart’s Wife)
Review at WTF Are You Reading? (Nightingale)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I'm up for 400 pages, but I've always been fascinated by Mozart, so I might just give it a try!


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