
Monday, April 28, 2014

TLC Book Tours: On the Rocks by Erin Duffy

Title: On the Rocks
Author: Erin Duffy
Format: ARC
Publisher: William Morrow
Publish Date: April 22, 2014
Source: TLC Book Tours

What's the Story?:

From "Six months ago, Abby's life fell apart for all the world to see. Her longtime boyfriend-turned-fiancé, Ben, unceremoniously dumped her-on Facebook-while she was trying on dresses for the big day.

When the usual remedies-pints of Ben & Jerry's, sweatpants, and a comfy couch-fail to work their magic, her best friend, Grace, devises a plan to get Abby back on her game. She and Abby are going to spend the summer in Newport, in a quaint cottage by the sea, enjoying cool breezes, cocktails, and a crowd of gorgeous men.

But no matter how far away they go, Abby and Grace discover that in the era of social media-when everyone is preserving every little detail of their lives online-there is no real escape. Dating has never been easy. But now that the rules are more blurred than ever, how will they find true love? And even if they do, can romance stand a chance when a girl's every word and move can go viral with a single click?"

My Two Cents:

When Abby is unceremoniously dumped by her seemingly perfect fiance on Facebook, she is pretty sure that her life is over and that she is never going to get over this rejection. Her friend Grace gets her to break out of her shell and spend the summer at the shore, where some old friends and some new ones too show her that she can stand on her own and that there are good guys out there that still exist. This is a fun read about picking yourself off the ground and letting you be the one that saves yourself.

This is the second book by Erin Duffy. I read the first one, "Bond Girl" and really enjoyed it. And a lot of the reasons that I enjoyed "Bond Girl" are present again in this book. The writing is nicely paced and the way that the characters are written is really realistic and definitely pulled me into the book.

Abby is definitely a character that grew on me as the book went on and I'm glad that I gave her a chance. At first, I didn't like that she was very woe-is-me and seemed to care more about what people thought of her break-up than the fact that she was broken up. At first she seemed more sad about not having all of the things that go along with a wedding than not having her fiance. As the book goes on and Abby gets stronger and more secure in herself, she also grows and changes a lot. Once she realizes that it is up to her to save herself, she becomes a character that you will enjoy.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It would be a perfect light read for the upcoming beach season!


1 comment:

  1. Ouch, a Facebook break up?! That is harsh. I hope things turn out well for Abby in the end!

    Thanks for being on the tour.


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