
Friday, February 7, 2014

HFVBT Review: Anvil of God by J. Boyce Gleason

Title: Anvil of God
Author: J. Boyce Gleason
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: iUniverse
Publish Date: July 29, 2013
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You're a historical fiction fan.
  • You like family stories.
  • You like epic battles.
What's the Story?:

From "It is 741. After subduing the pagan religions in the east, halting the march of Islam in the west, and conquering the continent for the Merovingian kings, mayor of the palace Charles the Hammer has one final ambition-the throne. Only one thing stands in his way-he is dying.

Charles cobbles together a plan to divide the kingdom among his three sons, betroth his daughter to a Lombard prince to secure his southern border, and keep the Church unified behind them through his friend Bishop Boniface. Despite his best efforts, the only thing to reign after Charles's death is chaos. His daughter has no intention of marrying anyone, let alone a Lombard prince. His two eldest sons question the rights of their younger pagan stepbrother, and the Church demands a steep price for their support. Son battles son, Christianity battles paganism, and Charles's daughter flees his court for an enemy's love.

Based on a true story, Anvil of God is a whirlwind of love, honor, sacrifice, and betrayal that follows a bereaved family's relentless quest for power and destiny."

My Two Cents:

Every once in awhile, I come across a book where when I read it, I start thinking about just how many the book would appeal to. "Anvil of God" is one of those books that is going to appeal to so many different kinds of readers. This book has great characters. It has great historical detail. There is adventure, battles, and romance all set against the backdrop of a quickly changing world. I really enjoyed this family saga. This is the first book in a planned series and you can definitely count me among those waiting for the next book in the series.

The book focuses on a family. We get to know each member of the family very well, especially the mother and the siblings. I really appreciated how the author was able to focus on so many characters but really allow the reader to know what makes each member tick, since they are all very different. I think a lot of times that can be very difficult to do in a book that has a lot of different main characters. I especially liked reading about Trudi, the daughter, and Carloman, the uber religious son. Trudi was especially fascinating to me. Although her lot in life is really to be married off to the person that her father, Charles, sees as the most advantageous partner, Trudi has a different idea. You have to admire someone who still goes after their own heart when the odds are so stacked up against them.

I love historical fiction but very little of the historical fiction that I read takes place prior to about 1400. I always love when I can find a book that takes me a little bit out of my comfort zone. This book takes place during 741. I really appreciated how the author was able to use tons and tons of detail to bring the saga surrounding the family at the center of this book.

There is a little something for so many different readers here!!! Definitely a good read!

Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Monday, January 20
Review at Flashlight Commentary
Tuesday, January 21
Interview at Flashlight Commentary
Monday, January 27
Review & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick
Friday, January 31
Review & Giveaway at The Novel Life
Saturday, February 1
Review at Closed the Cover
Monday, February 3
Review & Giveaway at Words & Peace
Thursday, February 6
Review at The Lit Bitch
Friday, February 7
Review at A Bookish Affair
Interview at The Novel Life
Wednesday, February 12
Review at Ageless Pages Reviews
Thursday, February 13
Review at Peppermint, Ph.D.
Friday, February 14
Giveaway at Passages to the Past


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