
Monday, January 20, 2014

HF Virtual Book Tours: Becoming Josephine by Heather Webb

Title: Becoming Josephine
Author: Heather Webb
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Plume
Publish Date: December 31, 2013
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours

Why You're Reading This Character:

  • You're a historical fiction fan.
  • You like great historical detail.
  • You're looking for a memorable character.
 What's the Story?:

From "A sweeping historical debut about the Creole socialite who transformed herself into an empress

Readers are fascinated with the wives of famous men. In Becoming Josephine, debut novelist Heather Webb follows Rose Tascher as she sails from her Martinique plantation to Paris, eager to enjoy an elegant life at the royal court. Once there, however, Rose’s aristocratic soldier-husband dashes her dreams by abandoning her amid the tumult of the French Revolution. After narrowly escaping death, Rose reinvents herself as Josephine, a beautiful socialite wooed by an awkward suitor—Napoleon Bonaparte."

My Two Cents:

"Becoming Josephine" is the historical fiction tale of Josephine Bonaparte, wife of the infamous Napoleon Bonaparte. I have been looking forward to reading this book for a long time and I must tell you, I was not disappointed and I am happy to wholeheartedly recommend this book to my fellow historical fiction lovers.

Before I read this book, I did not know much about Josephine at all except for the fact that she was married to Napoleon. This book takes us from Josephine's childhood where she was known as Rose, played second fiddle to her sister, and lived on a gorgeous island to her marriage and subsequent separation from Napoleon when she was a part of French high society. It's a great story and engaged me from the beginning until the end. It was really amazing to me how Josephine was able to go from a really bad marriage. She makes her way into the upper echelons of French society and catches the eye of Napoleon. She truly had an amazing life.

Underneath this fascinating story is an engaging character that you will absolutely love following. The book is told from Josephine's perspective, which I absolutely love. There was something really special about being able to see things from Josephine's perspective.

The historical detail in the book was fantastic. Webb was able to write in such a way that brought me right me to Josephine's time. I could picture exactly what Josephine was going through. I really, really enjoyed this book. The only thing I didn't like is that it ended so quickly (seriously, the book was not nearly long enough). Count me among those awaiting Webb's next release! 

Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Wednesday, January 1
Review & Interview at HF Book Muse-News
Giveaway at Passages to the Past
Thursday, January 2
Review at Let Them Read Books
Review & Giveaway at WTF Are You Reading?
Friday, January 3
Interview & Giveaway at Let Them Read Books
Monday, January 6
Review & Giveaway at Confessions of an Avid Reader
Interview at Flashlight Commentary
Tuesday, January 7
Review & Giveaway at Scandalous Women
Wednesday, January 8
Spotlight & Giveaway at Peeking Between the Pages
Thursday, January 9
Review & Giveaway at Luxury Reading
Friday, January 10
Review at Turning the Pages
Monday, January 13
Review & Giveaway at Broken Teepee
Tuesday, January 14
Review at Unabridged Chick
Review at CelticLady’s Reviews
Wednesday, January 15
Review at Book Lovers Paradise
Interview & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick
Thursday, January 16
Review & Giveaway at The Maiden’s Court
Friday, January 17
Review & Giveaway at So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
Monday, January 20
Review at A Bookish Affair
Tuesday, January 21
Review at Griperang’s Bookmarks
Interview & Giveaway at A Bookish Affair
Wednesday, January 22
Review at A Book Geek
Review at Oh, For the Hook of a Book!
Thursday, January 23
Review at Ageless Pages Reviews
Interview & Giveaway at Oh, For the Hook of a Book!
Friday, January 24
Review at Book-alicious Mama
Monday, January 27
Interview at Erika Mailman Blog
Tuesday, January 28
Review & Giveaway at The True Book Addict
Wednesday, January 29
Review at So Many Books, So Little Time
Thursday, January 30
Interview at HF Connection
Friday, January 31
Review at Books in the Burbs
Monday, February 3
Review at Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews
Tuesday, February 4
Review at A Muse in the Fog
Wednesday, February 5
Review at A Bookish Libraria
Interview at A Muse in the Fog
Friday, February 7
Review at Silver’s Reviews
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As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.