
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Calling All Historical Fiction Fans!


 What are you doing tomorrow, my fellow hist-fic lovers? Stephanie Dray, author of Daughters of the Nile (and Lily of the Nile and Song of the Nile), is holding a Facebook party January 30th from 12pm to 10pm EST in celebration of Daughters of the Nile. There will be tons of hist-fic authors hanging out and tons of prizes to be won! 

Here's the line-up right now:
Stephanie Dray 12pm-10pm
Jeannie Lin at 12pm
M.m. Bennetts at 12:30pm
Kate Quinn at 1pm
Erika Shephard Robuck at 1:15pm
Heather Webb at 1:30pm
Vicky Alvear Shecter at 1:45pm
J.F. Ridgley at 2pm
Kristina McMorris at 2:15pm
Donna Russo Morin at 3pm
Amy Phillips Bruno at 3:30pm
Eliza Knight at 4pm
Gillian Bagwell at 4:15pm
Sophie Perinot at 4:30pm
Kathryn Kimball Johnson (aka Mary Hart Perry) at 5pm
Audra Friend at 6pm
Helen Hollick at 6:15pm
Alma Katsu at 7pm
Roberta Oliver Trahan at 8pm
Marci McGuire Jefferson at 8:15pm
Stephanie Thornton at 8:30pm
Stephanie Cowell at 9pm
Sabrina Darby at 9:45pm

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