
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Under The Wire by Paul Conroy

Title: Under The Wire: Marie Colvin's Final Assignment
Author:  Paul Conroy
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Weinstein Books
Publish Date: October 8, 2013 (Today!!!)
Source: I received a copy from the PR; however, this did not affect my review.

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You're a non-fiction fan.
  • You don't mind tough subjects.
 What's the Story?:

Synopsis: "Marie Colvin, described by her peers as 'the greatest war correspondent of her generation,' was killed in a rocket attack in February 2012 while reporting on the desperate suffering of civilians inside Syria's besieged Homs. Under the Wire is war photographer Paul Conroy's gripping, visceral, and moving account of his friendship with Marie and in particular the final year he spent working alongside her.

When Marie and Paul were smuggled into Syria by rebel forces, they found themselves trapped in one of the most hellish neighborhoods on earth. Marie was tragically killed by a rocket that also blew a hole in Paul's thigh big enough for him to put his hand through. Bleeding profusely, short of food and water, and in excruciating pain, Paul then endured five days of intense bombardment before being evacuated in a daring escape involving a motorbike ride through a tunnel, crawling through enemy terrain and, finally climbing a 10-foot-high wall.

Astonishingly vivid, heart-stoppingly dramatic and shot through with dark humor, Under the Wire shows what it means to be a war reporter in the 21st century. Paul Conroy's is a story of two people drawn together by a shared compulsion to bear witness."

My Two Cents:

"Under the Wire" is the story of war journalist, Marie Colvin, who had been all over the world with career covering many different wars and other situations. I have always been very interested in what war journalists do. They are willing to go into super dangerous places that most people would turn around and run far, far away from. I wasn't familiar with Marie Colvin before this book but "Under the Wire" really gave me an appreciation for her, her work, and her legacy.

The book is narrated by Paul Conroy who worked closely with Colvin covering the civil war in Syria. The book also covers some of the other very scary places that Conroy and Colvin reported from. The book gives you a ton of insight into what it's like working in a war zone. Conroy really brings you right into the fold. So many parts of this book had me eagerly flipping through pages wanting to see what happened next. This book is truly a roller coaster ride.

I also really enjoyed getting another perspective of the Syrian Civil War from the ground. Syria has not been on our radar for all that long and it was very interesting to compare the things that Conroy and Colvin witnessed in the 2011-2012 time frame and what's happening in that country now.

Overall, this is a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat!


I'm very excited to be able to give away a copy of this page turner, thanks to the publicist (US only, please)! Just fill out the form below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It sounds like an interesting book about a war that I don't know that much about.

  2. This sounds like a wonderful book. I was not aware of Marie Colvin previously either but her life and her work sound fascinating. I'd love to win a copy of her story, please enter my name in the draw.

  3. I would love to learn more about the Syrian War and about this brace war correspondence. Thank you for the chance in this giveaway.

  4. I had never heard of Marie Colvin before your review but would like to learn more about her and the war in Syria. This sounds like a riveting book!

  5. Books featuring soldiers are always so EPIC! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. this book sounds captivating and special. thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com


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