
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Review: The Book of Someday by Dianne Dixon

Title: The Book of Someday
Author: Dianne Dixon
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Publish Date: September 3, 2013
Source: I received a copy from the publisher; however, this did not affect my review.

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You're a fiction fan.
 What's the Story?:

From "Three women. One stranger in a shimmering silver dress. Whatever binds them together has already destroyed one life. It just might consume them all.

Someday, Livvi Gray will break free from her past. Someday, she will escape her recurring nightmare about that stranger in a shimmering silver dress. Someday, she will have a family of her own. Now she's found Andrew, and someday seems to be right around the corner. But there's so much Livvi doesn't know.

Shortly before her thirtieth birthday, she will come face-to-face with the stranger from her dream-an encounter that will alter Livvi's future and crack open everything she knew about her past. Livvi is swiftly moving toward the ultimate turning point in her life-and she's not the only one. Linked by an unforgettable mystery, photographer Micah and young mother AnnaLee are also being rapidly drawn into a web of devastating secrets about the unexpected ways in which we choose to protect-and betray-the people we love."

My Two Cents:

"The Book of Someday" follows three very different women who all connected in some way (the crux of the story line focuses on their connections with each other). While this book started out a little bit slowly for me, it picked up towards the middle and turned into a really interesting story.

Overall, I did like this story. The characters really sold me on the book. I really liked Olivia. Even though the book focuses on many different characters, Olivia or Livvi gets most of the focus. As the book unfolds, we get to learn a lot about Livvi's upbringing and she has definitely been through a lot and still remains really strong. I didn't really like the romance between Livvi and Andrew though. They fall for each other very quickly and with some of the things that Andrew put Livvi through, I just wanted to know more about the motivation behind their relationship.

One of the issues that I often have with books that are divided up between more than one character is that I feel like you don't get a chance to really get to know the characters. I did find that a little bit with this book. You get to know Livvi quite a bit more intimately than Micah and AnnaLee.

As I said, the book starts out a little bit slowly but it picks up in the middle. Overall, this was an interesting story for those who don't mind difficult subjects.


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