
Monday, December 10, 2012

Passages to the Past Holiday Blog Hop!

*** Guys, I am an idiot. I mistakenly made the Rafflecopter raffle end at 12:01 on 12/17 instead of 11:59 and I cannot change it because Rafflecopter now charges to change times on raffles. This is totally a my bad! If you would like to still enter my giveaway today until 11:59 EST, please leave a comment below with a way to contact you. Remember, you must be a follower and a US resident to win. If you have been tweeting each day, you can still tweet and it will count but make sure you leave the link to your tweet in a comment.***

The lovely Amy over at Passages to the Past has set up this fabulous blog hop, which is perfect for my fellow historical fiction lovers! And let me just say, the grand prizes for this hop look absolutely amazing (which includes 65 HF titles! Seriously!) I know that I will be checking out a lot of the other giveaways on the hop.

So what am I giving away? I'm giving away six books to one very lucky winner (US only. Sorry International readers, shipping is quite costly).
  • Lily of the Nile by Stephanie Dray (signed by author)
  • The Girl on the Cliff by Lucinda Riley (ARC)
  • The Orchid House by Lucinda Riley
  • The Queen's Lady by Barbara Kyle
  • Empress of the Seven Hills by Kate Quinn
  • A Place Called Courage by Elizabeth Chadwick
All of these wonderful historical fiction books could be yours, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow the Rest of the Hop:

Check out the latest list of participating blogs at Passages to the Past!


  1. This is more of a memoir than historical fiction, but Shigeru Mizuki put out a great graphic novel called Nonnonba about folklore and growing up in 1930s Japan. He makes all the monsters and spirits real, so I guess that counts as fiction.

  2. I liked Kate Morton's The Secret Keeper and Ken Follett's Winter of the World (book two of the Century trilogy). Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I enjoyed your summary and comments on this historical novel.

  4. 2012 has been a good year, I can't pick just one book!!

  5. One of the historical fiction I enjoyed this year was the Midwife of Blue Ridge by Chrisine Blevin even though it was not published in 2012 I just read it and loved it.

    Thank you for the chance to win

  6. I adored The Snow Child - some are calling it historical fiction....

  7. The Virgin Cure was the first historical title that popped into my mind. I adored it!

  8. I read so many wonderful historical fiction books this year it is hard to pick my favorite. I think I will go with the first two books in the Maggie Hope series and The Shadowy Horses by Susanna Kearsley. Thanks!

  9. Not published in 2012 but I really enjoyed reading Ella March Chase's two historical fiction books about the Tudor period. I hope she writes more!

  10. My favorite was The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty. I'm really getting into early 20th century fiction.

  11. My favorite is usually whatever book I just finished-- but two books I really enjoyed this past year were The Song of Achilles by Madelline Miller and The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt (although I think Sisters Brothers was publihsed in 2011.)

  12. 2012 hard to pick. I liked Legacy of Love and The Girl in the Glass :)
    Happy Holidays!

  13. I have read quite a few very good historical fiction books this year but I think my favorite is Sophie Perinot's The Sister Queens.

  14. For 2012 it was The King's Concubine by Anne O'brien.

    What a generous giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance. :)

  15. What a fantastic giveaway! Thank you!

  16. Four Sisters, All Queens by Sherry Jones

  17. My favorite historical fiction book that I read in 2012 was "Courting Miss Hattie" by Pamela Morsi.
    I know it was released in 2012, but I've been reading a lot of older books... they're still good!

  18. I have two favorites from this year - The Shoemaker's Wife and Russian Winter.

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  19. My favorite was Forever a Lord by Delilah Marvelle.

  20. One of my favorites was The Second Empress by Michelle Moran - thanks!

  21. i'm enjoying reading Gortner and Weir's novels

  22. I really enjoyed Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran--it's not from 2012, but I just read it this year :)

  23. I actually just posted my BEST OF 2012 list
    I loved the series by Elizabeth Musser, where she published the final book to the Secrets of the Cross trilogy this year, Two Destinies. SO glad I found the author, her writing is fantastic. Another favorite of 2012 was Hemingway's Girl by Erika Robuck, she is also an amazing writer I would not hesitate to recommend!
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!
    marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com

  24. This I was mostly catching up on Chadwick and Cornwell novels. I really liked The Conquest by Elizabeth Chadwick (which I read for the first time over the Summer)

    empress_lariel at hotmail dot com

  25. I loved The Secret Keeper!

  26. This is a hard decision!!! I don't know if I can pick just one, but I am going to go with Michelle Moran's Nefertiti as being a favorite for 2012!

  27. I liked Death in the Floating City.

  28. My favorite HF novel of 2012 is Winter of the World by Ken Follett

  29. Such a tough question! I loved Jo Graham's work, Gemma files Hexslinger series, 13th Tale by Dianne Setterfield. So many good books.

  30. I enjoyed Russell Banks' The Darling, which is more of a period novel (60s-90s) about a radical who gets caught up in the Liberian civil wars. I also enjoyed Nefertiti by Michelle Moran.


Hi! Welcome to A Bookish Affair. If you leave a comment, I will try to either reply here or on your site!

As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.