
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HF Virtual Book Tour: Her Majesty's Will by David Blixt

Title: Her Majesty's Will
Author: David Blixt
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sordelet Ink
Publish Date: April 23, 2012
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You're a historical fiction fan.
  • You like funny characters.
  • You're a William Shakespeare fan.
What's the Story?:

From "Before he was famous, he was a fugitive.
Before he wrote of humanity, he lived it.
Before he was the Bard of Avon, he was a spy.

A very poor spy.

England, 1586. Swept up in the skirts of a mysterious stranger, Will Shakespeare becomes entangled in a deadly and hilarious misadventure as he accidentally uncovers the Babington Plot, an attempt to murder Queen Elizabeth herself. Aided by the mercurial wit of Kit Marlowe, Will enters London for the first time, chased by rebels, spies, his own government, his past, and a bear."

My Two Cents:

I love William Shakespeare. I love his plays. He's just a really fascinating person in general so I was really excited to read this book. T I loved learning about The inspiration behind Blixt's Her Majesty's Will is how William Shakespeare, infamous playwright, ended up coming from Avon to London and becoming the man that we now remember him for being. So how does Blixt imagine Shakespeare made that journey? Well, he was a spy.

Mr. Shakespeare was definitely not a very good spy but a spy all the same. In this book, Will and Kit foil the plans for the Babington Plot to kill the one and only Queen Elizabeth. So even though they sort of initially bumble some of their journey to figure out what is going on, in the end, they truly save the day.

With as off kilter as this basis sounds, it makes for a great story that is often times very funny. Will Shakespeare teams up with Christopher Marlowe, better known as Kit, in this story to become a spy. In real life, it was suspected that Kit really was a spy. One thing that I loved about this book is the mix between fact and fiction. It just worked so well and made for a really intriguing story that definitely seemed plausible.

While Will was a good character, I loved, loved, loved Kit. He is so funny in this book. He's witty and has so many great one liners. A couple of them had me laughing out loud. He makes a good foil for Mr. Shakespeare who is a lot more staid and serious in this book. Kit is such a great, larger than life character.

Bottom line: A fun read about Will Shakespeare's lost years!

Don't Forget to Follow the Rest of the Tour (Come back tomorrow for a giveaway):

Tuesday, December 4
Review (Her Majesty's Will) at A Bookish Affair
Review (The Master of Verona) at Ageless Pages Reviews

Wednesday, December 5
Review & Giveaway (Colossus) at Broken Teepee
Author Guest Post & Giveaway (Her Majesty's Will) at A Bookish Affair

Thursday, December 6
Review & Giveaway (The Master of Verona) at Peeking Between the Pages

Friday, December 7
Review (Her Majesty's Will) at So Many Books, So Little Time
Review (The Voice of the Falconer) at Tanzanite's Castle Full of Books

Monday, December 10
Author Guest Post at Bibliophilic Book Blog
Review & Giveaway (The Master of Verona) at Confessions of an Avid Reader

Tuesday, December 11
Review (The Voice of the Falconer) at Ageless Pages Reviews

Wednesday, December 12
Review (The Master of Verona) at The Musings of a Book Junkie
Author Guest Post (Her Majesty's Will) at A Bookish Libraria

Thursday, December 13
Review (Her Majesty's Will) at Oh, For the Hook of a Book!
Author Interview (The Master of Verona) at The Musings of a Book Junkie

Friday, December 14
Review & Giveaway (Her Majesty's Will) at Kinx's Book Nook
Author Guest Post & Giveaway (Her Majesty's Will) at Oh, For the Hook of a Book!

Monday, December 17
Review (Her Majesty's Will) at Broken Teepee

Tuesday, December 18
Review (Fortune's Fool) at Ageless Pages Reviews

Wednesday, December 19
Review (The Master of Verona) at Enchanted by Josephine
Review & Giveaway (Her Majesty's Will) at The Maiden's Court

Thursday, December 20
Review (Voice of the Falconer) at Enchanted by Josephine

Friday, December 21
Review (The Master of Verona) at Bippity Boppity Book
Review (Voice of the Falconer) at Historical Tapestry & The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader
Author Interview at Enchanted by Josephine

1 comment:

Hi! Welcome to A Bookish Affair. If you leave a comment, I will try to either reply here or on your site!

As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.