
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Review: The New Yorker Cartoon Collection by Robert Mankoff

Title: The New Yorker Cartoon Collection
Author: Robert Mankoff
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Source: I received a copy from the publisher; however, this did not affect my review.

Okay, this is going to be a different kind of review for me since The New Yorker Cartoon Collection is made up of different books.

I loved The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons. They are very funny and very time appropriate with all of the craziness going on with the economy. I think a lot of people will find a cartoon to love in this book.

I did enjoy The New Yorker Book of Baseball Cartoons. They are very funny and would be great for anyone who enjoys baseball although this book would probably be best for Yankees fans and maybe Mets fans as many of the cartoons are tilted towards the New York baseball fans. I am not one of those (proud Red Sox and Nats fan here)! 

I am not a teacher but I have a lot of friends and a couple family members who were or are teachers (bless them! I so do not have the patience to be a teacher). However, as someone who went to school, I found a lot to love about these cartoons. They are witty, funny, and timely, just as you would expect the New Yorker to be.

All of these books would make really good gifts. Hey, we're almost at the end of October; it is not too early to start your holiday shopping! They'd be great coffee table books and great books to read when you need a chuckle.  



  1. These sounds like cool collections and I've always enjoyed the funnies..thanks for sharing this, you review the coolest stuff.


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