
Monday, September 10, 2012

BBAW 2012 Day 1: Appreciate!

It's Day 1 of Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Today we're showing appreciation for some of our favorite book blogs. I had a really hard time picking just a couple to highlight as there are so many good book blogs that I read on a constant basis.

I've found a lot of kindred spirits in the book blogging world. These people have become friends! That's what's so cool about book blogging; there truly is a community out there! So first off, if you are reading this, you are my friend and I appreciate you guys so much!!! I would copy and paste my entire Google Reader list but that would be absolutely ridiculously tl;dr.

There are a couple blogs that I want to highlight though :

Bibliophile By The Sea - I came to know Diane through her meme: First Chapter, First Paragraph. She's an awesome lady who seems to make me add an awful lot to my TBR list.

Kill Me If I Stop - Okay, confession time: I'm scared of classics. I have so many that I want to read but I am really, really intimidated by many of them. KMIIS reads mostly classics and has shown me that I shouldn't be so scared!!!

Passages to the Past - Historical Fiction is probably my most beloved genre. There is almost nothing I love more than getting sucked into a good historical story. Amy at Passages to the Past supplies me with the latest on all things Historical Fiction and I love every second of it.

The Book Garden - Anne is another lady that has very similar reading taste to me. If she likes a book, I know that I'm probably going to like the book. Here's another one that makes my TBR grow by leaps and bounds.

Write Meg - Meg is a fellow Meg and a fellow Marylander (two good things in my book). Not only does she have really good taste in books but her blog is filled with gorgeous photos and interesting musings that have a tendency to make me nod in agreement.

What book bloggers do you want to show appreciation for?


  1. Thanks for including my blog in your list!!! I have added quite a few books to my TBR pile from reading some of your great reviews.

    1. *Blush* Yay! That is some of the best feedback I could get. I love that some of my reviews are actually useful :)

  2. Great list! I also follow Write Meg and Kill Me If I Stop. I'll definitely look into the other ones you mentioned as I'm constantly on the lookout for bloggers with similar taste, even though they do add so many books to my TBR! :)

    1. Haha, adding to my TBR is worth it to find some good bloggers :)

  3. I know two of those and going to check out others!!

    Here is my BBAW: Appreciation post.

  4. I have always wanted to read more historical fiction. Which is why I follow you!!!

    I stopped by all the blogs you posted and love them!!

    Here is mine:


  5. gasp// new to me . adding to google reader

    gr8 post

  6. Thanks so much for the mention! I'm so happy to have found a fellow Meg -- and a local one! -- and love popping over for your excellent book reviews!

  7. Anne and Amy are among my favourites too! I am always glad to find other HF fans too


Hi! Welcome to A Bookish Affair. If you leave a comment, I will try to either reply here or on your site!

As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.