
Monday, July 16, 2012

Odds and Ends: An Update in the Life of a Book Blogger (1)

I'm going to try to make a concerted effort to make this blog a little more than just book reviews. Book reviews are nice but I'd love to expand the blog just a little bit and hopefully that is okay with you, fearless and faithful readers.

 Anyhow,  I just got back from spending a long weekend with my family in lovely Ocean City, MD. We wanted to go as sort of a last hurrah before my youngest sister (Hi Katie! - she wanted to be mentioned in the blog) goes away for grad school. She's leaving the East Coast for the South and we're going to miss her desperately. This is the first time that any of my immediate family is going to be more than a 1 or 2 hour drive away. I'm a little sad but very excited to see my sister start the next chapter in her life.

Oh hai, Ocean City!

The weekend was great! It was nice to spend time with each other. I got a lot of reading done (is there really many better places to read than on a sunny beach?).

Must Read Articles: (I hope to feature some good bookish articles too)

How Good Books Change You
Mid-week Moment of Zen 
Fifteen Reasons to Read The Sister Queens


  1. This is a great idea. I've been debating about whether or not to put up life posts on my book blog. I kinda wish I hadn't deleted my personal blog now.

    1. I technically still have my Xanga site but I haven't updated it in forever. It's too hard to keep both up to date!

  2. Good idea! I love reading posts that let me get to know the blogger behind the book reviews a bit more! I think sometimes when we feel closer to another blogger, not only do we get a new bookish friend out of the deal, but we're also maybe more likely to trust their reviews and buy the books they've loved.

    I'm mid read-a-thon right now (though attending my sister's graduation two hours away today, oops) but I'm leaving your post open so I can read those articles later when I need a *cough cough* little break... :)

    Ellie @ Musings of a Bookshop Girl

  3. A long weekend at the beach sounds great! I do almost all reviews on my blog, too, but enjoyed branching out for events like Bloggiesta and Audiobook Week. My personal life isn't very interesting, though. I usually have trouble enough posting one or two Facebook status updates a week!

    1. I am really hopeful that I'll get to participate in Bloggiesta next time. I was way too busy last time!

  4. Yay for Ocean City! We went all the time when I was young, but now we're more likely to get our beach time in at the Outer Banks. We did go to OC for the day last summer to celebrate my dad's birthday.

    I agree with others: I love reading personal posts. I consider my own blog more of a mix of personal/bookish things, and your own site should reflect anything you'd like it to!

  5. I think this is a great idea! I'm trying to expand my blog as well. And Ocean City is AMAZING! I've been there on two family vacations and absolutely love it. Congrats to your sister as well! :)

  6. Ooh cool ideea! Can't to see what new features you include in the blog!


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As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.