
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Review: Tangi's Teardrops by Liz Grace Davis

Title: Tangi's Teardrops
Author: Liz Grace Davis
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Self-published
Publish Date: January 2012
Source: I received a copy from the author; however, this did not affect my review.

Why You're Reading This Book:
  • You're a young adult fiction fan.
  • You're a fairytale fan.
What's the Story?:

From "When Tangi's father dies, he leaves her nothing but three empty bottles. A kind uncle takes the poverty-stricken girl and her stepsisters in, and for a time life gets better on his farm. But Tangi remains a lonely outsider; her stepsisters tease her for her crippled leg, and the housekeepers use her like a servant.

Just before her thirteenth birthday, Tangi learns the truth about her father's strange legacy: the three bottles aren't empty any more. They're filled with all the tears she's cried since her father died, and her tears are enchanted. She must use them to travel to Rosevine, the world of her dead mother. Tangi not only belongs there but is necessary to keep Rosevine alive.

Tangi's tears will save Rosevine, and Rosevine will save Tangi from a cruelty-filled life, except for one thing: Tangi's lost the bottles."

My Two Cents:

Tangi's Teardrops reminded me a lot of a retelling of Cinderella (who doesn't like the Cinderella story? It's a classic!). There are definitely some big differences. First off, the story takes place in Africa. I really, really liked the setting because it seems to be really, really difficult to find books that are set in Africa or are written by African authors. I'm always on the look out for books that cover places that I have never been before! I love armchair traveling so this was perfect for me.

Tangi is a great character. She's not physically perfect, which is definitely an interesting twist. Usually those storybook princesses are utterly perfect in every way. It was refreshing to see someone with a flaw who is able to overcome that. I think that she would be a good role model for the younger readers (this book is geared for younger young adult readers).

I loved the magic in this book. The beginning of the book does not really have any magic in it at all but as the story unfolds, the magical elements become more apparent, which I thought was very cool.

Bottom line: A great retelling of a classic tale!



  1. This is so totally a book I would love, but I didn't know about it! Thanks so much for highlighting it - can't wait to see if it is at my library!

    1. I love retellings of fairytales so much! It's awesome to see a new take on such a beloved story.

  2. Thank you so much, Meg, for taking the time to review Tangi's Teardrops.I'm really glad you enjoyed it. what a lovely review:-)

    Thanks Rhapsodyinbooks for stopping by. I hope the library is able to order the book. If you read it, let me know what you think.


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