
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

#ArmchairBEA : Let's Talk Networking

I can be very shy when you first meet me. I warm up quickly but it's hard for me to step over that first hurdle. Networking scares me!

But then I read a book called Chocolate Chocolate by Frances Park and Ginger Park. It's a memoir about two sisters who set up shop in Washington, DC. I live here and had never heard of the shop so I thought it might have been closed (and through most of the book, you do think that the shop has been closed). Lo and behold, at the end of the book, you figure out that the shop is still open, it just moved down the street. I knew that I had to visit! What could be scary about going to visit someone that owns a chocolate shop?

So and did and I had an opportunity to meet Frances (I still have yet to meet Ginger but I will definitely someday). Chocolate Chocolate is by far not Frances' first book. She's written a bunch, including a bunch of really awesome children's stories. Going to the chocolate shop was awesome. I've been back.

This was really my first blogging networking experience (I did a Literary Locale meme about my trip). I'm so glad that I got over that initial hump because anyone having to do with the book world is just awesome. Don't  be afraid to put yourself out there!

What's your coolest networking story?


  1. Awww, this is so cool!! :) :) I always want to visit a place from its book! I remember while I was in Oxford - I went to see where they filmed Harry Potter and I felt incredible!! I was so happy :) Even though I have read the books, YET. Awesome experience :) :) Glad you've enjoyed it! ;) Enjoy aBEA! :D

    1. I am dying to go to Oxford to see that (although I'd settle for going to the Harry Potter theme park in FL; I'm not picky :P )

  2. Wow, that's the way to network- at a chocolate shop!

  3. First... Luv the lolz cat! soooo cute!

    2nd great story on how people aren't going to rip your head off or point and laugh. Makes me feel like it IS ok to hand out my silly lil ole cards :)

    1. I've had good conversations about books every time I visit the chocolate shop!

  4. Nice, I wish I had a chocolate shop to network at. :)

    I had fun participating in World Book Night this year maybe you could try it next year.

    1. I am really hopeful that I will get to do WBN next year!

  5. I'm the same way about meeting people. I often feel overwhelmed in large groups of people I don't know...which is why I haven't gone to parties etc. Professionally, I'm better, but still find it intimidating. Great way to get over your nervousness - going to a chocolate store! (And loved the LOL cat too. Adorable!)

    1. I guess professionally I'm a little bit better, mostly because I know that I need to network. When its optional, like it is for my blog, it makes it harder!

  6. I don't really network for my blog. I don't feel the need to meet with authors or publishers or publicists, really, as I have veered away from accepting all that many review copies so don't need to worry about follower count or anything like that. It makes blogging much more enjoyable and relaxing than it used to be :-)

    But that is such a cool story! Especially as it involves chocolate ;-)

  7. Hmmm, I would love to network at my local chocolate shop!

  8. Networking at a chocolate shop :) Like it. Thanks for a great post. Loved the images too, especially the cat :)

    1. Could there really be a better place to network?

      Hah, I'm a big fan of the lolcats.

  9. That was an unusual but tasty networking experience! I am a bit of the same way myself, so going to in person events kind of scares me.

    1. It's just really intimidating. I hope I eventually get over that!

  10. Great story! Very inspiring for us introverts.

  11. That's awesome! I'm the same way, but always love meeting bookish people. So much fun. :)

    1. Yes, having a common interest in books makes it so much easier :)


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