
Friday, June 8, 2012

#ArmchairBEA : Experts Say...

Sadly, today is the last day of Armchair BEA. It's been another fun event! Today's topic is "Ask the Experts" where you can either ask a question or try to solicit some helpful advice to try to make your blog better. While I'm nowhere near an expert, I'll try to pass a little advice today.

I've found that blogging can be a little bit of trial and error. Sometimes I'll get a bright idea and go with it. 

Sort of like this... only vastly different.

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. As with most things in life, when it comes to book blogging, you can't be afraid to try new things. Dive into new memes! Expand your reading horizons! Post when you want to without a schedule! Don't post if you don't want to! You'll eventually learn what works for you.

I've figured out what works for me (I think; I'm still always refining but that never stops, does it?). Above everything, I try to keep in mind that it's my blog and that my real purpose in being here is to track what I'm reading, help others find really good books, and to connect with other readers. As long as I keep those things in mind, I think I'll be just fine!

What are some helpful hints that you've learned about book blogging?


  1. I definitely agree with your advice - trying new ideas/memes/genres keeps the blog fresh and keeps the blogger interested!

    As far as helpful hints go, I think that any posts I've read about SEO really help me (because I'm totally lost when it comes to that stuff).

    Here's one specific hint I recently received that helped me out: for your Facebook Page, you can have certain posts take up the entire width of the timeline feed (thereby highlighting the post) by hitting the star on the top right corner. So simple, but I had no idea!

    1. I have no idea how to do SEO stuff. That's definitely stuff that I want to research in the future.

  2. Awesome advice. Sometimes having a book blog is not exactly all fun and games. If you review for publishers/authors, that means there are obligations and deadlines and maybe even word limits!
    The key to personal success is to enjoy what you do. Once it becomes too much of a chore, it's time to step away.

    Here's my post for today.

    *Side note* You mentioned the HNS... the membership is $50 for a year, and it entitles you to the Quarterly magazine and some exclusive online content(articles).
    As a member, you do not automatically get to review for them but you are invited to the annual conferences they hold.
    I believe they have quite a few reviewers at this time, but you can always get your name in the list pool for them when others eventually leave the society.

    1. I'm definitely considering joining the HNS. I sort of unofficially got involved with the local chapter in my area. It's a cool organization.

  3. I like that you're clear about what your blog's purpose is.

    I don't have much to add. I'm a newbie and still finding my feet but I liked to read what you have to say. Thanks :)

  4. I think the best advice I got was when a friend told me to stop accepting review copies for a couple of months. I did, and it was glorious, and now I accept very few. It's just so much more refreshing for me to go to my bookshelf or the library and pick up whatever I want and read it whenever I want without worrying over whether I have time to read before a review book is due. I still accept some books for review, but much less than I used to, and I've never regretted it once.

    1. I actually am currently not accepting review copies until after September for the same exact reason!

  5. Great advice. I always remind myself that blogging is my HOBBY and therefore, if I don't get to it everyday, that's ok. I also found that joining new memes every once in a while is a great way to try out something new and to find new bloggers out there.

    1. Yes! I love finding new ways to interact with my fellow bloggers!


Hi! Welcome to A Bookish Affair. If you leave a comment, I will try to either reply here or on your site!

As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.