
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Literary Locale: Sex, Lies, and History

A couple weekends ago, I trekked out to Northern Virginia to attend a panel entitled Sex, Lies, and History at the local Barnes and Noble and featured three lovely historical fiction writers: Stephanie Dray, Kate Quinn and Sophie Perinot. The panel was fabulous! The authors covered everything from how they come up with their stories to common misconceptions about each of the times and places that they each write about. Ms. Dray has focused on Ancient Egypt. Ms. Quinn has focused on Ancient Rome. Ms. Perinot's first book focused on 13th century England. It was so cool to hear from the authors. This is really the first event of its kind that I have attended since I started book blogging.

I got a bunch of books signed for me (oh, and I picked up a couple signed books and some swag for you, my readers. I'll be giving them away in the coming weeks right here on ABA). I even got a chance to get my picture taken with the authors.

From left to right: Stephanie Dray, me, Kate Quinn, Sophie Perinot


  1. This is awesome. Most of the authors I read are American or British (or dead) and I wish I had a chance to go to an event like this. Was there anything they said that shocked or really amazed you? I love hearing about how authors come up with the stories and characters.

    1. I wouldn't say I was shocked but I thought that learning about their writing process was amazing. I'm always really interested in the research that authors do before writing a book. I think historical fiction is so interesting because it's really the author's take on historical events and it may not be exactly by the history book per say.

      Also, I was amazed about some of the emails and letters that they get from people that have some beef with their books. Even if I don't care for a book, I cannot in even of my most wild of dreams imagine writing angry letters to the authors. It just sort of strikes me as rude. Even when I write up a review for a book that I didn't care for, I'm always very careful to be diplomatic but honest; you never know who could be looking at your blog!

  2. Thanks for reporting back on the panel, and great picture! Events like this make me wish I didn't live in the middle of nowhere.

    1. Yes, I feel really lucky to live in an area where there's always a bookish event going on. It's so much fun! You may just have to consider traveling ;)

  3. I was there also. It was a fabulous panel with three wonderful writers (and very fun people!) Not only did I learn a lot about the writing process I also laughed a lot and had a great time! A wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

    1. Aww, I wish I would have known you were there!

      I definitely hope I get to go to another one of the talks with any of the three wonderful authors. It was great to see them all together though!


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