
Monday, April 16, 2012

Review: Dancing at the Chance by Deanna Cameron

Title: Dancing at the Chance
Author: Deanna Cameron
Format: Ebook/ ARC
Publisher: Berkley Trade
Publish Date: April 3, 2012
Source: I received a copy from the author. This did not affect my review.

Why You're Reading This Book:
  • You're a historical fiction fan.
  • You love fantastic settings.
What's the Story?:

From "New York City in 1907 is a kingdom of endless possibilities for anyone who dares to dream. The Gilded Age has ended, and immigrants fill the bustling streets. The glamour of Broadway lures those who desire the limelight-but only a few are fortunate enough to thrive in the lights of a city that casts long, dark, and merciless shadows... 
Pepper MacClair and her mother arrived penniless in New York thirteen years ago, and their fortune has not changed. A dancer of fluid grace and motion, Pepper is still only one chorus girl among many, struggling for an opportunity to prove herself worthy of something bigger.

For now, Pepper dances at The Chance, a rundown venue long past its prime. It is not only Pepper's workplace, where she has pushed her physical endurance to its limit, but also her home. And as the larger world changes around her and she is pulled into the intrigues of New York's elite, it is her last hope, not only to fulfill her dream, but to fulfill her heart.

My Two Cents:

Another day, another great historical fiction read! Dancing at the Chance is the story mostly about Pepper MacClair, a chorus girl and dancer who finally feels at home at The Chance theater. Her mother and her came to New York City penniless and Pepper is finally feeling like she might just be able to get up on her own feet. The Chance is run down and in danger of being no more, a fate that Pepper absolutely cannot fathom. It's also about vaudeville as a whole kind of going out of fashion and struggling to survive.

I loved this book because it took me to a time and place that I haven't read a lot about, turn of the century New York City. For me, New York City will always be one of the most glamorous places in the world. While I don't think that I can take the frenetic pace of living there, I love visiting. What I love about Dancing at the Chance, is that I think it really captures the magic of the city and the dreams that you may just be able to make come true while you're there. I think everyone can find something in common with the characters who are really just trying to make ends meet.

I also loved the focus on vaudeville and dancing. It's really a magical world. I loved how Cameron was able to weave some real characters into the story as well (Ziegfeld of Ziegfeld's Follies appears).

Bottom line: This historical fiction captures grand old NYC perfectly!

Special Announcement:

To celebrate the back-to-back releases of DANCING AT THE CHANCE and the reissue of THE BELLY DANCER, weekly prizes & a grand prize of a Kindle or Nook (winner's choice) are up for grabs on the author's website. Visit and follow the contest link for details.  


  1. This sounds great! Turn-of-the-century New York is really fascinating to me, too. I read Strings Attached by Judy Blundell about a young girl who gets involved in a sort of "dancing ring," if you will, and it was awesome, too. Will have to look for this one!

  2. I liked your review of this book. sounds like i could read this one and i'm not a reader of this genre. love the book cove also.

  3. Hi, Meg! Thank you for this wonderful review. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the setting. Old vaudeville really is a magical world. I could not have said it better myself :)

  4. I have to admit this content was very worthwhile. I discovered you with a google search and was rather stunned at your rank for this article.

  5. WOW both this book and The Belly Dancer look fantastic!


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