
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Changes

Today, Booking Through Thursday asks two similar questions:

Has a book ever inspired you to change anything in your life, fiction or non-fiction alike?
Lindsay asks:
There have been books I loved, books that I fell in love with, and books that changed my life, and they’re not always the same nor mutually exclusive.

To the first question, I can't remember a book that changed me consciously but unconsciously, yes, books have the ability to change us. We are totally molded by what we read. I'm not sure that you can read a book that you really enjoy and not be touched in some way. The way that we are touched shapes our thoughts and feelings whether or not we really realize it.

To the second question, there are a lot of books out there that I really loved but weren't life changing. Those that changed my life, I did love though. One of the things that I love most about reading is that it opens you up to all sorts of new thoughts and ideas. You think about things that you've never thought of before. You consider things that would have never entered your mind otherwise. It's pretty awesome!

What say you? Don't forget to check out everyone else's answers here!


  1. I like how books "shape our thoughts and feelings."

    And sometimes the changes in perspective are not readily apparent, but slowly mold us.


    1. Yes, I fully agree that sometimes that transition can be quite subtle.

  2. Good answer.
    I found at least one book that started something.

  3. I don't recall a book that has really changed my life, except for a Tale of Two Cities that our teacher had us read page by page, chapter by chapter, when I was age 12. I've certainly gotten a lot of new ideas from books - such as taking yoga classes and drinking lattes, small stuff like that. Books are great!

    1. Tale of Two Cities is another classic that I really want to get to some day.

  4. I do have some books that really changed something, although I only realised that in hindsight! I'm a new follower, hop on over if you have the time:
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. I so agree. Sometimes you don't realize you're changing until you've actually changed.

  5. The Harry Potter books made a big change in me. She was brave enough to stretch our imaginations, so why hadn't I been stretching mine?
    A big change came when I read Steven Covey's 'Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.'

    1. I loved the Harry Potter books for so many different reasons but the stretching of my imagination was definitely high on my list!!!

      I have yet to read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People!

  6. Sometimes the changes are subtle.

  7. I've definitely had that life-changing feeling after reading a book. Most often it happens with books that have spiritual leanings or that have a character who lives their life in a way I admire.

    And, I absolutely agree with your answer to the 2nd question - fun topics today!

    1. I think I have more moments of deep thoughts rather than life changes after I read books.

  8. Great topic! The Hunger Games changed me; it made me wake up to the truths around me, by making me see the similarities between our media today, and that of the book. There have been a few other books that have changed me a little, as well.

    And I completely agree with you on how reading books opens your mind to new ideas.

    1. I had either read or seen an interview with Suzanne Collins right around when the first movie came out about how she came up with the idea: seeing all of the contests on reality tv (Survivor, etc.) and watching young people fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. When you consider that those two things were her inspiration, it really is scary and also very eye opening.


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