
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: More, More, More

(How do you like it? How do you like it?)

Today Booking Through Thursday asks: Which non-series book would you most like to read the sequel to? Do you have any wishes for what might happen in it?

There's definitely books out there that I'm not quite ready for them to finish when they finish. I want to stay with the characters a little bit longer. Out of some of the books that I've read recently, I would love to see sequels to The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown and How to Save a Life by Sarah Zarr. In both cases, when I finished the book, I was sad to leave the characters. I'm not sure that I would know what I would want to happy to the characters in the sequels. I'll let the experts (the authors) handle that ;)


  1. I really want to read The Weird Sisters. I'll have to look up the other book you mentioned.

  2. It is so hard to leave characters you have grown attached to. The Hollows series is winding down and I get sick just thinking about it..LOL

  3. Yes, I think the reasons for my wanting more (a sequel) has a lot to do with loving the characters. The story surrounding them probably wouldn't matter as much as spending more time with beloved characters.

    I loved The Weird Sisters, too, although that's not the one I picked today. But I would love to see those characters again, too.


    1. I definitely agree with you. It totally has to do with the characters!

  4. I keep seeing The Weird Sisters popping up, maybe I need to read it! Here's my BTT.

  5. I'll have to read the Weird Sisters, seems to be a popular choice.

  6. I have been wanting to read The Weird Sisters for a while, hopefully I will get to it soon!

  7. Nice choices. I agree, sometimes it is hard to leave characters behind.

    1. I think characters that you don't want to leave behind is the sign of a good book!

  8. I've heard a lot about The Weird Sisters, might be time for me to check it out :)

    -Kate the Book Buff
    The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People

  9. I like series, but in general I think there are too many sequels out there.


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