
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Historical Fiction Tour Stop: Guest Post by M.J. Rose

Today, I'm excited to have M.J. Rose, author of The Book of Lost Fragrances (which I reviewed last week) to A Bookish Affair to talk about a classic fragrance.

M.J. Rose: I've been fascinated with lost fragrances since long before I started writing The
Book of Lost Fragrances... since I found a bottle of perfume on my great grandmother's dresser
that had belonged to her mother in Russia. Here is one of those lost fragrances that stirs the
senses and the imagination... (researched and described with the help of the perfume writer
Dimitrios Dimitriadis)


Guerlain first focused on verveine (verbena) varieties to use in perfumes in the mid-late 1800's.
Eau de Verveine was released first in the 1870's and made brief reappearances in the 1950s
and the 1980s before being retired from Guerlain's perfume portfolio. Eau de Verveine is the
scent of high summer… sharp, uplifting notes of citrus-green lemon verbena flood the mouth
with saliva with their crisp, energizing aroma. Below is a prickle of something darker - perhaps
carnation or clove - which adds incredible depth. There is a dry, tea-like quality that emerges
as the scent dries on the skin. This impossibly rare scent evokes feelings of long days at the
summer's end with the chirrup of cicadas ringing in the ears.

Note from Meg: Sounds like summer to me!

Don't Forget to Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Monday, February 20th
Review at Attack the Stacks
Guest Post at From the TBR Pile

Tuesday, February 21st
Review at By the By Books

Wednesday, February 22nd
Review at Reading the Past
Guest Post at Savvy Verse & Wit
Thursday, February 23rd
Review at A Bookish Affair
Review at Elle Lit
Guest Post at The Literate Housewife
Guest Post at Love of Books

Friday, February 24th
Review at From the TBR Pile
Monday, February 27th
Review at The Bookworm
Guest Post at Elle Lit
Guest Post at By the By Books

Tuesday, February 28th
Review & Guest Post at The Book Faery Reviews
Guest Post at A Bookish Affair

Wednesday, February 29th
Guest Post at Let Them Read Books
Thursday, March 1st
Review at A Novel Source
Guest Post at A Chick Who Reads

Friday, March 2nd
Guest Post at The True Book Addict

Monday, March 5th
Review at Workaday Reads
Guest Post at Reviews by Molly

Tuesday, March 6th
Review at The Book Garden
Author Interview at A Novel Source

Wednesday, March 7th
Review at Books Devoured
Review at Misfit Salon
Guest Post at Literary Marie

Thursday, March 8th
Guest Post at Workaday Reads
Guest Post at Mrs. Q Book Addict

Friday, March 9th
Review at Reviews by Molly

Monday, March 12th
Guest Post at Books Devoured

Tuesday, March 13th
Guest Post at Bippity Boppity Book

Wednesday, March 14th
Guest Post at Life in the Thumb
Guest Post at Book Fan Mary

Thursday, March 15th
Review at My Reading Room
Review at Man of La Book

Friday, March 16th
Guest Post at Daisy's Book Journal
Guest Post at To Read or Not to Read

Monday, March 19th
Review at Broken Teepee
Guest Post at Debbie's Book Bag

Tuesday, March 20th
Guest Post at My Reading Room

Wednesday, March 21st
Review at Unabridged Chick
Review at Love of Books
Guest Post at The Owl Bookmark Blog
Guest Post at Under the Boardwalk

Thursday, March 22nd
Guest Post at Man of La Book

Friday, March 23rd

Guest Post at Broken Teepee
Author Interview at Unabridged Chick

Monday, March 26th
Review at Booksessed
Review at Ravishing Reads

Tuesday, March 27th
Review at The Paris Blog
Guest Post at Girls just Reading
Guest Post at Kelsey's Book Corner

Wednesday, March 28th
Review at My Bookshelf
Guest Post at vvb32 Reads
Guest Post at CMash Loves to Read

Thursday, March 29th
Review at Ravishing Reads
Guest Post at Books and Needlepoint

Friday, March 30th
Review at vvb32 Reads
Guest Post at My Bookshelf

Monday, April 2nd
Review at Book Den
Guest Post at Diary of an Eccentric

Tuesday, April 3rd

Wednesday, April 4th
Guest Post at Book Den

Thursday, April 5th
Review at Bellas Novella
Review at Drey's Library
Guest Post at Layers of Thought
Guest Post at Alexa Loves Books


  1. Nice to know what inspired the author to write her book. I'm looking forward to reading it too.

    1. It's a good one. It's the perfect kind of book to spend a rainy afternoon on the couch with!

  2. Your blog was just fantastic and very informative. Have you seen this amazing Discount Perfumes webpage.


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