
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Review: Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Title: Little House in the Big Woods
Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publish Date: 1932
Source: Library

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You're a history fan.
  • You're hankering for some nostalgia.
  • You're in the mood for a childhood favorite.
What's the Story?:

From "Wolves and panthers and bears roamed the deep Wisconsin woods in the 1870's. In those same woods, Laura Ingalls lived with her Pa and Ma and her sisters, Mary and Baby Carrie, in a snug little house built of logs. Pa hunted and trapped. Ma made her own cheese and maple sugar. All night long, the wind howled lonesomely."

My Two Cents:

This series of books was one of my favorites as a little one. I read this series a couple times. I fully blame Laura Ingalls Wilder for my present day obsession with historical fiction and history books. This book is, of course, based off of things that actually happened to Laura and her family but is written is such a way that it feels like fiction. 

It's easy to see why this book and the entire series is now considered a classic. This book covers Laura's very young life in the Big Woods of Wisconsin. The book seems to cover about a year in the life of the Ingalls family. We see how the family prepares for winter and what these pioneers do during the long, cold winter. This is a very cozy read for winter that truly stands the test of time. I'm excited to read the rest of the series!


  1. I also re-read these recently and was sucked in once again by their charm.

  2. Little House on the Prairie is the earliest book on my TBR. I don't even remember getting hold of it, although I suspect my Mum snuck it onto my shelves when I was young and not looking. I've had it YEARS.

    I really do want to read it but it looks so imposing! I know it's aimed at young people so it's probably not imposing at all, but it's a huge old, hardback and I have so many new shiny books...

    Hopefully I'll get to it this year at some point. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  3. I read these books over and over when I was young. Yes they are so nostalgic and I chose these books for a feature on my blog for that reason and yes, because they are such a "cozy" read.

  4. I've never read these books, even though I loved the TV series as a child. I should probably get to it one of these days because I only ever hear good things about them. Also because I loved the Ingalls.

  5. Oh how I love this series so much! I recently read this one out loud to my children before school in the morning. They are SO ready for me to read the next book in the series. It took forever to get thru this one because they had questions about every single aspect of Laura's life since it was so different from our lives now. LOVE LOVE LOVE this series!!!

  6. I think I remember you blogging about reading these books to your little ones. I don't have kids yet but these are the kinds of books that I'm looking forward to reading to my future kids because of all the conversations they will bring up!


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