
Monday, November 28, 2011

Review: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Spells by Rose Pressey

Title: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Spells
Author: Rose Pressey
Publisher: Magical Press
Publish Date: June 1, 2011
Source: Received a copy from the author. This did not affect my review.

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You like a fun story.
  • You want a little cuteness in your life.
What's the Story?:

From "Elly Blair welcomes the chance to escape her ex-fiance and job from hell when Grandma Imelda, ready to retire to sunny Florida, calls for her to take over her little southern cafe.

Elly has no idea her grandmother has baked up magic for the unsuspecting townsfolk for thirty years-and now Grandma Imelda insists that Elly use her own hitherto unsuspected magical powers to carry on the family tradition.

But Elly's new at this stuff. Her dishes don't turn out as full of smidgens of enchantment and dashes of wishes come true as she'd hoped. When handsome customer Rory Covington takes a bite of the wrong burger, he ends up capturing the attention of every woman in town. Elly doesn't know if her feelings for Rory are true or based on her magic gone awry.

Tom Owenton is an investigator the National Organization for Magic sent to look into the magical mishap. Unless Elly can reverse the spell, the cafe will be closed permanently. Tom is more than willing to help Elly out of this magical pickle, but she's not sure she should accept his offer.

Elly only has forty-eight hours to find a way to reverse the spell, or she'll lose the cafe and never discover if her feelings for Rory are real."

My Two Cents:

Such a fun story! I ate this one right up. Elly is surprised when she learns that she has magical powers and is thrown off guard when her beloved grandmother leaves her the Mystic Cafe and tells her how to use her magic powers to help the regular customers. 

Elly is a great character. She's young and wants to make sure she does the right thing. She's heartbroken when she returns to her small hometown but she's ready to take on running the Mystic Cafe. We get to see her grow a little bit. This is the first book in the Mystic Cafe series so I'm sure she'll continue to grow in the following books. This book really sets the scene for the series but unlike many other series, you feel really satisfied at the end of the book. The book would even be a great standalone book but I know that I definitely would love to read more about these characters in future books.

Bottom line: Fun read!


  1. This sounds like a fun read! I haven't seen it before, thanks for the review, adding it to my TBR list!

  2. Sometimes fun reads are just the thing! This one sounds delectable - perfect for a lazy day in :)


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