
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Winners of Small Blogs, Big Giveaways!

Congratulations! You’ll receive an email from Reading Romances soon!

1st Winner: xxsquigglesxx
2nd:  Michelle W
3rd: jeanette8042
And the following people will win a giftcard:
Bekka @ Pretty Deadly Reviews, Carol Luciano, Library Lady, Krystal Larson  and  Jessica @ Book Passion for Life
The remaining prizes will go to The Magic Attic!

Stay tuned for more giveaways here on A Bookish Affair to celebrate my 200th follower!

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Hi! Welcome to A Bookish Affair. If you leave a comment, I will try to either reply here or on your site!

As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.