
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Reading

Beach at Trouville by Claude Monet

Ah, this is the first week of summer although here in DC, it's felt like summer for a few weeks now (ugh, humidity). When it comes to summer, I've noticed that my reading tastes change. I stop having patience for difficult reads. I want something light and fun. I know the term "beach reads" gets a bad rap but that's exactly the sort of thing that I find myself yearning to read. Fall and Winter seem to be the seasons that I can get in the mood to read heavy topics.

Do your reading tastes change with the seasons?


  1. I have exactly the same response! I start to read much lighter fare in the summer...could it be the sweltering heat??

  2. I have been reading lighter, funner reads too. With all my kids home from school now it is too hard to read something difficult!

  3. I try to put in an effort to alternate the classics with new releases and switch up the genres all year. Sometimes, though, all I want is some good chick lit during the summer!

  4. l am finding l want to read more lighter books as the weather gets nicer but l still like my darker ones! =)

  5. I do the same thing as Treesandink. I try to alternate between classics and new stuff. Althought, I have a really had time reading anything that is about Christmas when it is not close to Christmas.

  6. My tastes don't necessarily change. I find myself reading the same genres/types of stories that I normally would. However, I find that the length of the books I choose definitely change during the summer. I don't really like to read really long books once the weather becomes nicer. I don't feel like I have the time to devote to 600+ pages without wanting to change it up.


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