
Friday, June 10, 2011

Book Blog Hop (5)

This week's question is: Who is the ONE author that you are DYING to meet?

Gosh, this is so hard. I love so many authors that it would be hard to pick just one. Probably my favorite authors which include Isabel Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Augusten Burroughs, and David Sedaris. I would be honored to meet them all. I just can't choose one.

Who would you want to meet?


  1. I would love to meet Marquez also-I admit I am not familiar with the other writers you mention-I would love to meet Kenzaburo Oe or Jhumpa Lahiri

  2. Nice variety! I made a top 10 list but, all in all, Stephen King is my #1 choice. Hopping through & am a new follower...though GFC isn't working right now :(

    Teacher/Learner @ Whatcha Readin', Books?

  3. Nice choices...I bet Sedaris would be a hoot in real life!

  4. You have a great list! My top author is Nora Roberts because the romance writer in me wants to meet the queen of them all. :-) I am a new follower from the hop. I hope you have a great weekend!


  5. I love David Sedaris- he is one of my favorite authors too. Me Talk Pretty One Day is my favorite.

  6. Nice author choice, just hopping by.

  7. I couldn't choose just one either - and it would be hilarious to meet David Sedaris!

    Anja @

  8. Hello! Stopping by via the Hop. I couldn't choose just one either :) New follower! My post this week is here.

    Don't miss loads of fun!

    ~Zakiya LadyWings

  9. Great list! I agree, I don't think I can choose just one author, but I'll try...

    As a cynical romantic, an optimistic pessimist, and an all around oxymoron, I have very eclectic tastes that are becoming more and more varied the more I read. I have just delved into Paranormal Romance and can't seem to get enough right now.

    I agree with several others, Sedaris would be an interesting meet. Overall though, I think I would choose Nicholas Sparks. He is from my home state and his stories never fail to bring out strong emotions in me.

    Thanks for the contest!

    New follower on Google RSS reader and on Twitter (KimmyJo@BonafideDeviant)!

  10. I had a hard time choosing, too! I've not read any the authors you listed...yet. Just hopping by.

  11. Nice mix in authors! have a good weekend.

  12. I picked Marquez too for my hop answer. I also couldn't stick to one author.
    i'll be following you now

  13. Cool! I have never read these authors but they are all on my TBR list- maybe this summer!

  14. too many authors! i'd love to meet each one you mentioned :)

  15. :) Great picks and I'm a new follower. you can see mine at

  16. Thanks for visiting me. I have not read any of your authors but will add them to my TBR.


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As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.