
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin

Title: Something Borrowed
Author: Emily Giffin
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Source: Library

What's the Story?:

From "Rachel White is the consummate good girl. A hard-working attorney at a large Manhattan law firm and a diligent maid of honor to her charmed best friend Darcy, Rachel has always played by all the rules. Since grade school, she has watched Darcy shine, quietly accepting the sidekick role in their lopsided friendship. But that suddenly changes the night of her thirtieth birthday when Rachel finally confesses her feelings to Darcy's fiance, and is both horrified and thrilled to discover that he feels the same way. As the wedding date draws near, events spiral out of control, and Rachel knows she must make a choice between her heart and conscience. In so doing, she discovers that the lines between right and wrong can be blurry, endings aren't always neat, and sometimes you have to risk everything to be true to yourself."

My Two Cents:

I wasn't sure how I was going to like this book but I had seen commercials for the movie and it looked sort of cute. Now why wasn't I sure I was going to like this book? I'm not a big fan of the whole idea of cheating (okay, who is really?) and since the central character gets with her best friend's fiance, I wasn't sure that I would like Rachel's character at all and would be shaking my head with disapproval through the entire book. So not the case!!!

You can see how Rachel is entranced by Dex and you can see how sort of rotten Darcy is, especially at the end. The cheating isn't cool and isn't excusable but at least through Rachel's experience, you can see in a way how cheating under the circumstances is at least understandable. I really fell in love with the character of Rachel and really identified with her always feeling like she came in second best and she couldn't win. I especially felt her when she's just waiting around for Dex to make a decision about whether or not he's going to call off the wedding. I so know how waiting for a big decision to be made feels (it sucks actually). 

I just put the sequel on hold at the library (Something Blue) and I'm anxious to see how everything turns out for Darcy.

My Review:
3 out of 5 stars


  1. I was wondering about this book. I've heard mixed things about the movie and I wondered if the book rendered the characters and motivations with more complexity. May have to check this one out!

  2. I was wondering about this book too! I have heard the movie is terrible and so I almost decided to not give the book a chance... maybe I will after all!


    XOXO Angela's Anxious Life

  3. @Kat P I found myself thinking that this book is sort of like a more savvy version of your typical chick lit book. I probably will wait to see the movie until it comes out on Netflix. I've heard some mixed things about it too!

  4. @My anxious life I think you should give the book a chance. The movie does look not very good but I did like the book. It's a fun read!


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