
Monday, May 23, 2011

Introducing Me!

I'm unfortunately not going to BEA '11 this year but I'm very excited to be participating in Armchair BEA. Today for Armchair BEA, we were asked to introduce ourselves.

So who am I? I'm a 20-something living in the Nation's Capital with my husband and two cats (Winston and Totoro) who kindly tolerate my grave book addiction. We live in a pretty small place that I love where the books slowly seem to be taking over like kudzu (thank goodness for ample bookshelves).

I've always been a reader. I can't remember the last time that I've been without a book. I read just about anything. I haven't met a book that I won't at least try. Fiction, non-fiction, politics, history, chick-lit, YA; I love it all.

Some bookish facts about me:
- I can only read one book at a time.
- I have a special bookmark that I love using and always think I'm going to lose it.
- I usually read 3-4 books a week
- I have always loved recommending books to others so book blogging was a very natural fit for me.
- I almost always read the book before I watch the movie.

What are some of your bookish facts?


  1. My husband and I have an unspoken agreement: I don't say anything about the time he spends on the golf course and he never raises an eyebrow about the amount of books that come into our house :-)
    Nice to meet you!

  2. Hi, nice to meet you. I try to read 3-4 books a week as well and I love the books better than the movies.

  3. Books like kudzu! (would be a good blog title) I like to read the books before the movie, too.

  4. Another omnivorous reader! I'll try anything, too.

    Hope you enjoy the ArmchairBEA.

  5. Are those your bookshelves? If so, I am SO jealous!

  6. Hi! It's nice to meet you. I'll try anything as well.

  7. Nice to meet you! I WISH I could read 3-4 books a week!! Lucky :)

  8. Hi Meg, I do believe this is my first visit to your blog and I see that we have some things i common. I can only read one book at a time too, although I do listen to an audio book while driving back and forth to work. I also read three or four books a week (most of the time) although in the summer when I am not working it might be a book a day and I almost always read the book before I see the movie too and end up liking the book way more. It really is a pleasure meeting you and I hope you have a great week!

  9. my bookish facts? i am reading 6 books right now, i wish i had the strength to just read one at once, maybe i would get more finished that way haha,

    The Book Mystress, xx

  10. 3-4 books a week is AWESOME. I can only do that when I have absolutely nothing else going on and work is dead slow. And um, are those your shelves? Swoon.

  11. I'm a one book girl as well, but haven't quite made it to 3-4 books per week!!! And like you, a book must be read first before the movie is watched!

  12. Nice to meet you...I live near the nation's capital as well, though in suburban MD. Bookish obsessions are better than some others. My husband and I just moved into a new house...and he's already wondering when each room will be filled with books on all three levels. LOL

    Nice to "meet" you as part of ArmChair BEA!

  13. I love you cats names, Winston and Totoro. We have a small place too and many cats and they seem to love all the books yours?!

    I'm very impressed that you've managed to keep the same bookmark. Next to books, my cats love my bookmarks and always chew and bat them around!

    I read 3-4 books at the same time because I like variety and depending on my mood sometimes I want excitement, sometimes drama etc.

    There are genres I don't care for but I'm pretty willing to try any book particularly if someone I trust strongly recommends it.

    It's Nice to meet you!
    Have a fun week!

  14. I too am blessed with a lovely husband who tolerates my book addiction :) Aren't we lucky?

    -Kate the Book Buff
    The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People

  15. I always stick with just one book at a time too!

  16. I end up reading more than one book at a time, just in case one isn't doing it for me. Great list! Welcome to Armchair BEA!

  17. I'm a book monogamist too! When I have more than one going, I get all fidgety. Nice to meet you! I hope you stop by eclectic / eccentric and say hi!

  18. @Mary I think that is a brilliant agreement. Thank you for stopping by!

  19. @Cheree I think a lot of times, books are way more eloquent than movies.

  20. @Care Haha, I like my blog name but Books Like Kudzu would have been a fitting name for my blog as well!

  21. @irisonbooks No they aren't but you can see part of my bookshelves in my profile picture!

  22. @Laura @ The Shabby Rabbit I blame college and grad school for making me a mad fast reader!

  23. @Jan von Harz I almost wish I had a longer commute so I could listen to audiobooks! I'd never get them finished with my commute.

  24. @Jen (Makeshift Bookmark) Those are actually stock photo bookshelves but you can take a peek at some of my bookshelves in the background of my profile picture.

  25. @The Book Gatherer Yes! I like having my own pictures in my head when I read!

  26. @Serena I grew up in Maryland and I think we'll probably return in a few years.

  27. @Amy My kitties seem to like being able to rub up against all of my piles of books at will.

    I used to use one of those book thongs (the ones on strings) as my bookmark and they loved playing with that one (and stealing it and hiding it) so I switched to my current bookmark (just a plain flat one) that they don't seem to care about!

  28. @Chrisbookarama I've finally made peace with being able to put a book down if it's not working for me. It took me awhile but now I don't have to finish every book I start!

  29. I love it all too! I read just about everything :o)

    Happy BEA! New follower :o)

  30. Great cat names. Unless I'm ill or traveling (and don't have access to the internet), I post a review each and every day. Come learn more about me and my blog.

  31. Hi Meg! The BEA armchair event sounds really cool. I'm new to the book blogging world, but maybe I'll try it out next year!

    I agree, I can only read one book at a time!

    Also, I love how you wrote about books taking over your house! That is happening to me and my hubby too. We need more bookshelves!


  32. @Rebecca I've only been blogging for about 2 months so I'm pretty new as well. I'm glad I found out about Armchair BEA this year!


Hi! Welcome to A Bookish Affair. If you leave a comment, I will try to either reply here or on your site!

As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.