
Friday, March 1, 2013

HF Virtual Book Tour: The Chalice by Nancy Bilyeau

Title: The Chalice
Author: Nancy Bilyeau
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Touchstone
Publish Date: March 5, 2013
Source: HF Virtual Book Tours

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You're a historical fiction fan.
  • You're a mystery fan.
What's the Story?:

From "In 1538, England is in the midst of bloody power struggles between crown and cross that threaten to tear the country apart. Joanna Stafford has seen what lies inside the king’s torture rooms and risks imprisonment again, when she is caught up in a shadowy international plot targeting the King. As the power plays turn vicious, Joanna understands she may have to assume her role in a prophecy foretold by three different seers, each more omniscient than the last.

Joanna realizes the life of Henry VIII as well as the future of Christendom are in her hands—hands that must someday hold the chalice that lays at the center of these deadly prophecies…"

My Two Cents:

"The Chalice" continues the story of Joanna Stafford, who at 27 years old has already seen too much death at the hands of Henry VIII. Tudor England is a dangerous place to be if you find yourself on the wrong side of the King and Joanna always just steps away from getting into trouble. The stakes are even higher in this book than in the first book starring Joanna, called "The Crown." Fear not, "The Chalice" is very much a stand alone book so you will be able to jump right in with this book even if you haven't read "The Crown" (but why aren't you reading "The Crown?" You should definitely read it if you like historical mysteries!).

I really like Joanna's character. It's so interesting to see how she goes from being a nun as she was in "The Crown" to transitioning to a completely different life. It's a hard transition and you see Joanna struggle between wanting the comfort of her old life and being forced to move on. I loved following her adventures. She's definitely interesting.

The historical detail in this book is really good. The years after Henry VIII seeks to get his marriage to Katherine of Aragon annulled were tumultuous indeed. Ms. Bilyeau does a great job weaving fact and fiction to really bring the readers into Joanna's world. There is also a little bit of the paranormal element, which I really enjoyed. Joanna may have some powers of her own and spends a lot of time in this book trying to figure out what her power might be. The end of the book leaves an opening for some future adventures for Joanna, which I will be anxiously awaiting.

Bottom line: Historical fiction lovers will love this historical mystery!

Don't Forget to Follow the Rest of the Tour:

Tuesday, February 26
Review at She Reads Novels
Wednesday, February 27
Review at The Wormhole
Thursday, February 28
Feature & Giveaway at Passages to the Past
Friday, March 1
Review at A Bookish Affair
Monday, March 4
Review at The Broke and the Bookish
Review & Giveaway at Broken Teepee
Tuesday, March 5
Review at Book Journey
Review & Giveaway at Luxury Reading
Wednesday, March 6
Review at Knitting and Sundries
Thursday, March 7
Review at Turning the Pages
Friday, March 8
Interview & Giveaway at Knitting and Sundries
Monday, March 11
Review & Giveaway at Peeking Between the Pages
Tuesday, March 12
Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!
Wednesday, March 13
Review at The Eclectic Reader
Interview & Giveaway at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!
Thursday, March 14
Review at Let Them Read Books
Friday, March 15
Interview & Giveaway at Let Them Read Books
Monday, March 18
Review at Peppermint, Ph.D.
Review & Giveaway at Flashlight Commentary
Tuesday, March 19
Review at Loyalty Binds Me
Review at Impressions in Ink
Wednesday, March 20
Review, Interview & Giveaway at A Bookish Libraria
Thursday, March 21
Review at Confessions of an Avid Reader
Friday, March 22
Guest Post at Confessions of an Avid Reader
Monday, March 25
Review at The Novel Life
Review at Devourer of Books
Tuesday, March 26
Review at Historical Tapestry & Adventures of an Intrepid Reader
Wednesday, March 27
Guest Post & Giveaway at Historical Tapestry
Thursday, March 28
Review at Layered Pages
Friday, March 29
Interview at Layered Pages
Monday, April 1
Review at Words and Peace
Tuesday, April 2
Giveaway at Words and Peace
Wednesday, April 3
Review & Giveaway at Always with a Book
Thursday, April 4
Review at CelticLady’s Reviews
Friday, April 5
Review at Griperang’s Bookmarks
Monday, April 8
Review at Unabridged Chick
Tuesday, April 9
Review at One Book at a Time
Interview & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick
Wednesday, April 10
Review at Jenny Loves to Read
Thursday, April 11
Interview at Griperang’s Bookmarks
Friday, April 12
Review, Guest Post & Giveaway at Drey’s Library
Monday, April 15
Review, Interview & Giveaway at The Lit Bitch
Tuesday, April 16
Review & Giveaway at Ageless Pages Reviews
Wednesday, April 17
Review at The True Book Addict
Review & Giveaway at Library of Clean Reads
Thursday, April 18
Interview & Giveaway at The True Book Addict
Monday, April 22
Review at Book Drunkard
Tuesday, April 23
Review at A Book Geek
Wednesday, April 24
Review & Giveaway at Review from Here
Thursday, April 25
Review at Historical Novel Review & Great Historicals
Friday, April 26
Guest Post & Giveaway at On the Tudor Trail
Monday, April 29
Review & Giveaway at Bippity Boppity Book
Tuesday, April 30
Review at Writing the Renaissance
Wednesday, May 1
Interview at Writing the Renaissance
Thursday, May 2
Review at Tanzanite’s Castle Full of Books
Friday, May 3
Interview & Giveaway at Tanzanite’s Castle Full of Books



  1. I adore the cover and now your review makes me what to try it. thanks Meg

  2. I really enjoyed it - in fact I read it in one sitting!


Hi! Welcome to A Bookish Affair. If you leave a comment, I will try to either reply here or on your site!

As of 6/6/2011, this book is now an awards free zone. While I appreciate the awards, I would rather stick to reviewing more great books for you than trying to fill the requirements.