
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Armchair BEA: Keeping It Real, Fresh, and Fun and Children's Lit

Keeping It Real, Fresh, and Fun:

I love my blog. It has been a really fun hobby for me. I love talking books and I love sharing my opinions on books and meeting other bookish people. I figure that if I'm happy with what I'm doing, that's what really matters. If I'm not happy, things are not going to be too fun around here. So for the others wondering how to keep things fresh, just let yourself shine through.

Oh yeah...

Children's Lit:

So before book blogging, I really never read YA fiction at all but the book blogging community really opened that realm up to me! Book blogging has also urged me to re-read some of my childhood favorites.

Here are a couple of good YA books that I've read recently:

Do you read YA or children's fiction? What are some of your favorites?


  1. I read some YA, but other than HP I rarely read children's books...although that is changing since my daughter is now reading. My favourites are listed on my post, but they include Harry Potter, the Gemma Doyle trilogy and the Hunger Games novels.

  2. I read a lot of YA. I've had The Diviners on my list for a while. Thanks for sharing your list :)

  3. I read mostly YA. My favorites include anything by John Green, David Levithan, and Sarah Dessen.

  4. I wanna read The Diviners... totes.

  5. Yep! Just as long as you're having fun...that's what ultimately matters. Otherwise, there's no point.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  6. I've been meaning to read In Honor! It just may be the perfect summer read. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books


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