
Friday, May 31, 2013

Review: Royal Mistress by Anne Easter Smith

Title: Royal Mistress
Author: Anne Easter Smith
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Touchstone
Publish Date: May 7, 2013
Source: I received a copy from the publisher; however, this did not affect my review.

Why You're Reading This Book:

  • You're a historical fiction fan.
What's the Story?:

From "Jane Lambert, the quick-witted and alluring daughter of a silk merchant, is twenty-two and still unmarried. When Jane’s father finally finds her a match, she’s married off to the dull, older silk merchant William Shore—but her heart belongs to another. Marriage doesn’t stop Jane Shore from flirtation, however, and when the king’s chamberlain and friend, Will Hastings, comes to her husband’s shop, Will knows his King will find her irresistible.

Edward IV has everything: power, majestic bearing, superior military leadership, a sensual nature, and charisma. And with Jane as his mistress, he also finds true happiness. But when his hedonistic tendencies get in the way of being the strong leader England needs, his life, as well as that of Jane Shore and Will Hastings, hang in the balance.

This dramatic tale has been an inspiration to poets and playwrights for 500 years, and told through the unique perspective of a woman plucked from obscurity and thrust into a life of notoriety, Royal Mistress is sure to enthrall today’s historical fiction lovers as well."

My Two Cents:

"Royal Mistress" is the story of Jane Lambert (aka Jane Shore) who becomes Edward IV's mistress. Sometimes I get complacent with reading about palace intrigue and royal courts but it's books like this that remind me how much I really enjoy this kind of historical fiction. I found the love affair between Jane and Edward to be really fascinating. Edward IV by himself is very interesting to me and I loved being able to see his reign through this book. The affair with Jane only adds another layer of very interest and intrigue.

I really liked Jane's character and she made this book especially interesting. She goes after what she wants. She doesn't seem to think about consequences but I still enjoyed reading about her. I thought she was a really well written character.

This is the second book that I have read by Smith (the first was Queen By Right) and in that book as well as "Royal Mistress," I really enjoyed how much research and care she put into the book. The interactions between all of the characters are very realistic. I think that this really, really helps to pull the reader into the book.

This book will definitely appeal to historical fiction lovers who are looking for a book that is packed full of details and story lines with a side of salacious drama. 


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